New camera and I'm please.


New member
Hey there I just purchased a Kodak ZD710 and I have absolutely no idea on how to get good shots with it.

It's a 7.1 mp with a 10X zoom lens so will this take a decent macro shot or not? Will I need a lens or something else?

I just bought a 12G AquaPod with the 70w HQI and I'd lke to get some practice in with the camera before I get corals in the tank.

I also have a bass guitar that likes to have it pic taken too.

Thanks in advance!
Two articles to read to get you up to speed. Here's the first, and here's the second. That camera should be able to do decent close-ups but with a 12cm minimum focus distance it is good, not great. Good is good though :p
Thanks I read those and I now realize why that guy charged me $2k for shooting our wedding

I never realized photography could be so tough.

Thanks again.