New Dell w/windows 7 Lap Top

What's the problem and how are you connecting?

I have a Dell Latitude e6400 with Windows 7 Business, I am able to connect via lan, USB and serial (using legacy port extender)
Ok so let's go back a few steps....

- What version of the firmware is curently on the controler?
You should find it under Extra > System & Support

- What version of the USB driver are you using?
Control Panel > System and Security > System > Device Manager
look under Ports (Com & LTP), Prolific USB -to-Serial Comm Port (COMX) X is also the number you would want to set under profilux control
I down loaded the 406.2. There is omly one usb download on there sight. Michael told me to use the one they have. On home table computer I was able to get this to work. Do I need everything connected to get program to dowwload with laptop.The problem I get is a side by side code ad a error 2343.
THANKSI have even tryed to open the newest version 406.8
ok the USB driver installer is version 1.0518 (Once installed the driver version should be

With all these number I’m still not sure what version of the firmware that you have on your controller or the version of the Profilux Control that you are trying to install.

The latest version of Profilux Control is and can be found here:

Now Error code is usually generated if you try to install Profilux control when there is already one installed. You have to remove the old version before trying to install a new version (they can be removed by re-initiating the same version of the installer and by selecting the "Remove" option on the bottom).


bob i have tryed this and still no made a comment about 64 bit i have no clue what that means.
thank you
Why do you need two threads for the same topic?

Actually there are three threads related to this topic. You also commented about your issue on a third thread. I commented about 64-bit here in post #14 (the original thread):

I made several suggestions in that post. Did you try those?

Also, if you have no clue about 64-bit, try just type "what is 64-bit?" You will get plenty of information. Did you try that?

Also, anytime you get ANY error message while trying to install or run ANY software, try . Just type the error message exactly as display on your monitor. I guarantee someone has already encountered the same error message. There will be solutions available at your fingertips if you are willing to google for them. Did you try that?

Also, I think Michael already mentioned that this is not the best forum for technical support. This - is the best forum for technical support. Did you try that?