New Equipment has arrive


New member
Well got new equipment Tuesday and findly got it installed. Here are some picture . Please let me know what you think.This is all made by SeaVision. thx. This is for 180 gal tank



Okay, I guess it is the roll of paper that has me confused. What is the paper for? Is it some sort of filtration device? How does it work?


yes it is the filtration system . When the water goes done over the paper it cleans it and it the paper get clog there is a switch the makes the motor turn to add new paper. The motor turns very slow.
yes it is the filtration system . When the water goes done over the paper it cleans it and it the paper get clog there is a switch the makes the motor turn to add new paper. The motor turns very slow.

A continuous filter sock...nice. Although I pity the poor chromis that takes to sump slide now.
I have seen this system in Europe on a system and it works super well... I was surprised...

Will be pursxhasing it on my next setup soon...

Good luck :-)
Great looking setup. That is the first time I have seen a sump setup like that as well. Also, got to love the dailyseas... makes life much easier.