New fish suggestions?


New member
I've got a 90 gallon mixed reef, and while on vacation I lost my scooter blenny. Im assuming its because the people taking care of the tank dont know how to target feed. I use the 1 fish per 10 gallons rule, so i figured that a new spot has opened up for 1 more fish. I want an easy to care for, active and open swimmer.
My stocking list goes as such:
1x Clownfish
1x Sailfin tang (small right now, we have a plan to give him to our LFS when he gets too big)
2x Metallic Goby (Pair)
1x Longnose Hawkfish
1x Starry Blenny
1x Yellow&White Coris Wrasse
1x Swallowtail Angel
Im hoping that you guys can help give suggestions for some new fish that are compatible with these, or you can tell me that im wrong and i have too many fish as it is thats fine.
Another clown, a royal gramma, another type of wrasse like a melanarus or a McCoskers flasher wrasse. You don’t say anything about corals or inverts for compatibility.
Yes sorry i have 1x cleaner shrimp, 2x blood shrimp, and a clean up crew consisting of various snails, hermit crabs + 1 conch. Also, its a mixed reef with some SPS, a few LPS, and some softies. Also have sponges and tunicates and a few large tube worms.
The wrasses are going to outcompete your starry and likely already the Blen you lost so more wrasses would be out, but the gramma suggestion is a good one and maybe a lawnmower?

The second clown, maybe a pairing, sounds like a great idea as well
Fan tail bleeny's I have two of them both from Fiji, a yellow one and a olive one, they eat the algae off the glass and eat flake food when available. My first olive fan bleeny never ate prepared food for years.