New Frag


Reef Fanatic
I bought a new frag (actually 2 frags on the same rock) but couldn't figure out what it was. Since I don't know it's requirements, I don't know where to place it. I tried placing it on the sand but the color is starting to change and some parts are greying out??? (Unless it's a type of digi and is suppose to do that)

Can someone help identify these frags? At the LFS it was about 24" below a Kessil A150. I currently have it under an AI Hydra26 at about 26" down on the sand. I am posting a before and after pic so you can see the color difference and the grey spots that I circled in Red.

Please help. Thanks


  • New SPS 2wks - Copy.jpg
    New SPS 2wks - Copy.jpg
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the grey spots can be new growth, stress, or bleaching from light.

As stated in the SPS ID forums, these look to be a type of monti, and possibly a m. digitata. I am leaning towards an encrusting type. And yes you are correct, encrusting montis don't usually branch... but what if they encrusted over a branch??
That wouldn't be bad. I like M. Spongodes.

How can I tell the difference between bleaching, stress or growth? If it was just the tips, I would think growth but that is not the case. It's at the tips, and around the base areas. It has not reached the body area yet that I could tell.

I did have a birdsnest a long time ago that bleached white really quick (RTN) and it doesn't seem to be that bright color white. More of a dull grayish maybe slightly blue? It is in the sand at the bottom of the tank. Would I need to put it in shade?
No on shade. Takes allot of light to bleach sps on the sand bed. Could be an alk issue, or phosphates and nitrates. Welcome to reefing :fun5:
ALK is between 8.9-9.2
PO4=0 (trying to bring it up with feedings and reducing GFO)
NO3=0 (same as PO4)

Everything else is doing great. Crocea Clam, Maxi Mini, Monti Cap, Trachy, Acan, etc.......

Damn SPS! Crossing my fingers now that it's a Monti and starts to recover over the next few weeks.

Thanks for the help.