New goniopora.


New member
Anyone ever seen or know anything about this coral. I was told its a goni but i have never seen such a small polyps and very short stalk. Stalk is like 1/8" tall.

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I have the same or very similar Goni. It is a short tentacle encrusting variety. I've had it approx. 6 months & the skeleton has already doubled in size. Much more forgiving than a standard Goni. I would say the longest I've seen the polyps extended is maybe 3/4" at max. Seems to like good random flow & intense light. Never observed the polyps capturing or reacting to any food particles. HTH & best of luck
Thanks. It did come from a system that was not doing well so we will see how long the polyps extend as it gets happy. Good to hear that its an easy to keep. Never been able to keep a green one happy but have done well with red ones.