New guy in New Tampa


New member
Wesley Chapel actually but I wanted to say hi. Many moons ago I had several FW fish tanks and a large (>1000g) koi pond, enjoyed it but things change and haven't had any fish for about 10 years. Recently I bought a biocube because I've always wanted a reef and quickly am out of room (it's only a couple months old, haven't even put a coral in it yet).

So here I am today with a new (to me) 75g in my garage waiting on all the other accessories to make a home to what I hope is an out of this world reef tank. Now it's just a tank and stand but that's more than what I had this morning and it's a start. I'm beginning the long process of planning, finding good craigslist deals and putting together all the necessary pieces (sump, pumps, lights, everything!). I have been lurking but finally signed up to this forum so I can post and hopefully I'll join TBRC soon and get a chance to come out and meet some local reefers and see their setups to hopefully give me some ideas for mine. Maybe I can avoid costly mistakes as I'm already doing this on the cheap (thanks Craigslist!) and will probably DIY as much as I can.

Anyway I just wanted to say HI. Hopefully I'll have everything I need to start building this thing in a few months. Maybe by this summer I'll have water in it.

- Joe
Welcome, this is a friendly group of hobbyist. Feel free to bounce any ideas of of us. Also we (at least I) enjoy build threads, so maybe start one so we can tag along with your progress.
Quail Hollow here in WC-and yeah, there are a lot of great build threads. My hubby built our 8 ft. stand a few years back and it was an adventure.
Welcome, this is easily one of the most knowledgeable and friendly groups around. The forum is always active and an answer to any question or dilemma is usually quick. I know I personally have become a better hobbyist because of it!

Thanks for the welcome everyone. I'll certainly start a build thread once I get my ducks in a row right now I'm looking to getting my first corals in the biocube but certainly keeping the big boy (hey to me it is!) in the back of my mind as I assemble the parts. I've got a lot to learn, as I'm not poor but I can't really afford to buy, rebuy and buy again as I get the wrong parts. I'm going to have to be diligent in doing my homework! As for dimensions, it's 48x18x21, small by what I see some people have but for me aside from the koi pond I had it's about as big as I've ever done in freshwater.

Anyway thanks for the warm welcome!