New Guy


New member
Just a few shots of my 20 gallon pre-disaster. I've kept planted aquariums for 25 years and decided to try saltwater for a change.

I am getting a stand built to transfer everything to a new 29 gallon tank that will reside in our living room. I just had some gsp and mushrooms from Pet Zone and Fin-Sanity since my wife insists there will not be zoanthids in the tank after she read about palytoxins.

I woke up Saturday to a stuck heater with temps almost at 100. It looks like my cleanup crew and some feather dusters survived but the corals did not. I had got thru the diatom phase and the green hair algae was starting to recede.

I will not be able to make it to the frag swap and was wondering if anyone had ordered from Pacific Coast East/Dr Mac?



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The only positive you can take from that is the Pet Zones corals are covered in flat worms. Sorry to hear about you losing stuff though, that sucks
I did notice the flatworms, they didn't survive. I do see some kind of small, clear, bug like creatures that are very fast still around. Also there is a brittle star and some bristle worms.

Coming from a planted tank background I enjoyed the green macro algae and I'm hoping it will regrow.
If you're looking for some green star polyps and a few other easy things I am in White Haven 18661 and can probably help you out. Kyle is in your area and may know a few others as well, maybe he will chime in. Welcome to the club.
Thanks for the offers. I did a water change yesterday and want to wait a few days to make sure I don't get a spike from the die off.
Heaters are prone to these disastrous results. Maybe you should also consider an entry level controller like the Digital Aquatics Reefkeeper Lite. It will also time your lights and many other things. I keep two heaters in my sump. If the controller turns off the primary heater that is stuck in the "on" position, the back-up takes over before the tank swings the other way and becomes too cold.
Welcome. I live up in Susquehanna county, about 15 miles north of Tunkhannock. In my tank I have been using the Tetra submersible heaters, preset to 78 degrees and I have not had any problems with the tanks going above 78 degrees. The only reason I use those is because I have smaller tanks, 20 gallons and under.

If you want to get more corals and make the drive down to Wilkes-barre there is Fin-sanity, and if you go to tannersville there is Knockout Aquatics and UltraCorals. Those are the only stores I go to because they are the closest. No longer shop at Petzone because of corals being covered in algae and flatworms, not to mention they are overpriced.

I have purchased from PacificEastAquaculture and I had a great experience. Also nice that shipping is only $15 UPS "It was the last time I bought from them".
Thanks for all of the welcomes!

If anyone is interested I have a 20lb co2 tank with a regulator, solenoid and needle valve that I could trade for some easy corals.

I also have a stand I had built for my 75 gallon tank. It's 34" tall instead of 30" and the tank sits recessed 1".

I can post or email pics if anyone is interested.
