New Jmait XENIA !?!?!?!?!


well here is some famous super rare jmait xenia top photo, bout 3 stalks with whatever stalks i gave away growing back.

bottom photo is some nice looking xenia growing in my tank, now i noticed this about 5-6 months ago with one pulsing head coming out of a hole, kinda cool that i never actually added this to my tank and look at it now. though this goes against what i wanted in the tank, my girlfriend loves it and the green star polyps, haha of course. anyways. didnt think a head of xenia would survie being in a rock bucket. but here we are, it is a bit nicer than the jmait super rare xenia, maybe when i have to much we will be talking about the pnavarro super rare xenia that i will be giving out !! we can only hope.

jmait xenia in my 20 gallon, anyone is welcome to this piece since i will be moving in a couple months to a new place. along with this tomato clown that has hosted it and attacks my hand when im messing with the tank.

here is the magically appearing pnavarro super rare xenia. haha
chuy whats your salt at? heard it does better with higher salt, i have the stuff growing in my 20 gallon with no real filtration, no water changes haha.
i find it the second easiest thing to keep after fuzzy mushrooms, haha. hey jay(mait) why does your xenia look like that in my first picture, kinda ugly, but nice in your picture ????
I would guess that the light is insufficient or water quality is not just right. If you direct a lot of flow on them when they are like that they will usually melt away. Are they pulsing very slowly if at all?

wait I have a question Jay, mine split and grow fast but they never pulse how can I get them to pulse??, and yes I agree with pnavarro I hardly ever do changes in my 20 gallon haha
wait I have a question Jay, mine split and grow fast but they never pulse how can I get them to pulse??, and yes I agree with pnavarro I hardly ever do changes in my 20 gallon haha
In my experience if they are low in the tank they pulse very slowly and grow lanky. They will migrate towards the light. I've had them cut right across a rock covered in zoas just to get higher. Also it seems to me they really like a lot of flow. The ones I pictured above are in the middle of the tank, at the very top and get blasted directly by a Vortech. They seem to thrive in this. Yours will not pulse at all either? Just a little?

yeah the one in the 20 gallon doesnt really pulse much, it used to haha. and the ones that came out of no where in my 90 are nice looking shorter fatter, nicer lighter color, and are on the bottom rock are growing well, i need to do my water changes starting next week on the 90 since its been almost 2 months since my last water change, not counting the 10-15 gallon weekly top off of fresh water. but i supplement iodine and the b ionic 2 part is it.

but what your saying it can be the same xenia ???
but what your saying it can be the same xenia ???
Yes it is possible if that rock was in the same tank as the xenia it transferred. :) All it takes is a single cell! I have had a bit of the xenia break off and get in a powerhead. Instant blend and then a bunch of "œnew" xenia!!

hmmmm, yeah it was weird that is was just one head that popped up, i did have your xenia in my 90 for a couple days before the 20 gallon was ready. wow. kinda makes you think of a different tank to make. since i have gsp's the long wavy neon type. im getting it to grow very well on the bottom front. but it looks so cool that i can try and imagine a complete gsp tank would look crazy, or even a complete xenia tank. being in a 90 gallon form for size comparison. might put that xenia in my 90 to see if it changes for the better. i know ill have a bigger tank or 2 different tanks by the end of the year.

stupid awesome hobby the possibilities are endless.
oh and yeah the xenia in my 90 are pulsing rapidly and looking great, even though i didnt really want them there in the first place

be cool to have a softie tank and a sps tank.

the way i like a mixed reef is by adding lps to soft and hard corals.

but times and tastes change based on passed experiences and trying different things.
haha, it makes perfect sense, each is a different thought , typed out in a speaking manner. haha. i know i know. but the sense is there i swear.
k here it is for eric, it would be cool if i had 2 tanks at the same time, same size, one for soft corals, and one for hard corals(sps)

to do a nice mixed reef in my opinion you should have hard corals, soft corals, and lps to round it out nicely.

the more years we have in the hobby the more things you want to try out and do. tank wise. and that always changes depending on our moods, past experiences, or wanting to do something different that you havent seen or tried before.

Is that a bit better ? haha
ooh well yea mine dont pulse at all maybe ill try to put them with more flow and more light

thanks Jay
I understood what you meant Pedro! :) I really like a mixed reef but am very envious of a beautiful all SPS tank!!
