New Mushies


Hi, here's some fluoro greens I put in recently and am thinking of mixing a few
fluoro red's amongst them, I'd like to try and get a strobe effect going! :fun5: :thumbsup:
what kind of lighting is on the tank? have the mushrooms developed any blue? has the blue mark in the one mushroom changed at all?
The lighting is a single, reef octopus 120w marine grow led (cheapy, rebadged generic chinese 1w, 60 x blue, 60 x white). Quite an intense light, it replaced a single 250w MH with a 14k radium bulb and appears to be nearly just as bright. The tank's also 30" deep to. Looking at the polyps more closely, they all appear to have a bluish edge and they don't seem to be changing.
really pretty I like a mix like your talking I wanna try fraging a green and red monti plater and glue the frages intertwined to a frag plate I saw a thread on it and it looks like one multi colored species... pretty tang btw.
Yeah that would look very cool doing them intertwined. The tang is a nice fish but has grown a bit since that pic and is starting to change to his adult colouration. He's looking a little "dirtier" these days and has also developed a fair bit of attitude, thinks he's really tough! lol