new photos...


Active member
Okay, I rearranged and got some new stuff so here are some new pics.










My tank looks fullerer of stuff after the tour and a few purchases. One day my tank will be fuller and feel like one of "the cool tanks" in school.

Cool tank, nano!
Hmm just an idea, how about a small piece of tubing coming out of the 1/8" hole with an adjustable air valve for the intake/mix?
I went to a LFS today. They had Yellow Clown Gobies for sale at $4.99. I figured what the Hell and bought one. When I got home this guy was in my bag. To make a long story short, I paid $4.99 for a Yellow Assessor. Now he's only about an inch and a half long so his color isn't all there yet but the body shape is unmistakable...unless I'm wrong...then it was totally because he's so little...

Hey, i think I saw that little guy at the store looked like a goby but swam different and a little orange around the fins with bigger bug eyes. I thought about it but thought perhaps it was a little sick goby. so whats special about an assessor? I dont know anything about it. whats it do? raise your taxes??
They're a little rare. Definetly rarer than a Yellow Clown Goby. Average price around $40. Just a good suprise.
well, it looked like a nice little fishie. I have 3 yellow gobies and a couple green clown gobies too. nice fish. one yellow keeps my little Dory baby blue tang company. but drives her crazy. old yeller sits still on a coral while Dory swims about wondering why she cant perch or hang on the side of the glass too. odd couple. I kinda like small fish in a big tank. you can put a lot more of em in there. and if i choose types that fit in diferent niches , they are a great reef community. and always something stirring in the reef.