new pic for ID

The stuff in the top right looks like Botryocladia. The top left might be Haliptilon. The top center and bottom center are a mystery to me. The top middle isn't Porphyra is it? Did you collect these in your area?

every single picture i found online shows Botryocladia having a central stalk that the "grapes" grow off of. if you look closely the algae pictured has the "grapes" growing off of each other. it turns out that Haliptilon is a branching coralline. the macro on the top left sends out roots and grows leaves (feather shaped and semi hard) much like a Caulerpa and it does not seem to be calcium based like a coralline or Halimeda might be. i don't think the top middle is Porphyra due to the leaf structure. it does have a central stalk but i only found that out when a piece broke off because it stays very low to the rock it's growing on. i need to take better pics or blow these up. i'm not making this easy. i'm sorry. i'm going to do extensive work on my prop tank soon so i'll try to take out the macros for some close ups.

top left and bottom were purchased from a LFS and i've yet to see them return since but have seen the bottom algae in their fuge (not doing good there) and in another store NFS. the top right algae was taken from my friends fuge where it grows rather fast and i've given or traded a lot of it out since i started getting it from him. he's probably had it for years and doen't know much about macro. the top middle mystery was a hitchhiker on a yellow fiji leather rock. the leather was sick when i bought it and it died soon after purchase. the macro remained but hasn't grown at all much in a few months.
As to 01, I had one. I bought it as a Caulerpa, but it died. If you are successful with this aglae, please inform me about your tank parameters, especially temperature, lighting and salinity.
temp: 78 F
lighting: 2x65W PCs on 20H and 3x55W PCs on 30T
salinity: 1.024~1.025

this has been doing great and i've given/traded some out to a few people already. it even survived through the crash of my 20gal when mostly everything in there died, including hermits & snails!... stupid uncured rock... i should've known better. something must've been wrong with the algae when you bought it because this seems to be very hardy. i highly doubt it's a caulerpa because of it's color and rigidity. my LFS didn't even have it labled. i found it misplaced in the $10 section for corals and they usually sell red macro colonies $24 each. with a find like that i had to get it. not only did i get it with a crazy discount but it also sent out its roots and some of them grabbed on to a monti' digi' frag that turned out to be alive. i don't have MH but i was able to trade it for some nice zoos.
I have had (still have a small 'twig' of) number 01 (red feather) and it has not done well in my system under several different conditions and placements. That being said I have had it not doing well for 6 mos now (very frustrating).

03 I have now and it grows fairly well. Though the lower parts seem to fill with sand and 'die.' I have 'fragged' this twice, but have been unable to get it to 'hold'/grow onto anything yet.

I have not been able to ID either...


(loosely translated all that equates to 'tagging along') ;)
yeah that red grape is a pain in the arse to keep it anywhere because it doesn't attach. i have one piece that has a bunch of them attached but out of a ton that my friends fuge has, it grows like a weed in there, none but that one piece i took has any attached colonies. i'm thinking maybe that one branch was the original piece he got all of it on. do you have any idea on a scientific name on either? that's weird that my red feather macro is doing so well where others are having limited success. =T
kmk2307 you were right about Haliptilon sp. atleast according to LiveAquaria. that stuff doesn't seem like a coralline at all though, but that's what they called it too. a coralline that sends out roots? =T i'm still skeptical about that. anyone else care to comment? help me out a little...
Does that algae feel hard and crispy? If not I don't believe it would be Haliptilion but it does have a striking resemblance from the photo.

it's hard but not crispy. if i crush it there won't be a sand effect like with halimeda or corallines i'm used it. it'll slime and break into pieces. kind of like a caulerpa but harder or maybe just because it's thicker. the pic they have looks exactly like what i have though. maybe they pictured or labled it wrong.
Has the Halymenia been growing rapidly? Which of those algae are you having the best growth with?

it has not been growing rapidy mostly due to the fact that it's damn near impossible to anchor and ends up in shady places in the tanks. i'm running out of ideas... got a couple more i'd like to try though. #1 & #3 grow pretty good and #2 almost doesn't grow.