I just installed my 30 gallon quarantine tank, I finally did it after reading various things about QT tanks here on the forum. For a long time I have stored the water from my water changes in a bucket, with rock and a small wave generator to give movement to the water, a month ago I took out a couple of rocks to sell them and turned off the wave generator, so I forgot to connect it again and the water was without movement for two days until I was aware, I connected the generator again and it has been in motion since then, a week ago I installed my QT tank and also did tests, the ammonia levels were 0.25 ppm, 0 nitrites and more than 100 ppm nitrates, so add 50% new water and add API Quick Start, wait a week and today I did tests again and the levels are the same as the previous week, only with a nitrate drop to 80 ppm, what could be happening here? I have my QT tank set up with some rocks, PVC, HOB filter with a sponge to house bacteria. I'm thinking that the tank is cycling again but the nitrites at 0 make me doubt, by the way, I will place in this thread any questions or details related to my quarantine tanks instead of making separate threads for any question in specific, I just like it that way, thanks.