new refugium questions...


New member
I have a 29 gallon mostly sps reef tank w/ a 18 gallon sump and i just built a 12 gallon refugium. The refuguim is pumped by a rio 800 in the sump and naturaly draining back into the sump via gravity. I just obtained a good size buch of a variety of maco alges from a local RC reefer (sharkdude). i beleave razor calurpa, taxafolia, and a bunch of others. Now i have read some posts on this fourm about the fact that calurpa can sometimes go "sexual" when harvested and release toxins into the system. Being that i have very sensitive sps corals this concerns my very much.
I would like to know what the signs are when it go's sexual, and also what conditions allow that to happen. I have had great sucsess with growing my sps colonies. I would be extreamly sad to know something i was trying to better my system with actually killed them. I will take some pics tonight so you all will see the species i have aquired better.

When caulerpa goes sexual (actually, I think it is asexual) it releases reproductive spores and dies. This is evident when it turns almost clear and mushy. To prevent this from occuring, just keep the 'fuge light on 24/7.
My caulerpa was crashing (going asexual) about every two to three weeks. I saw a ton of info on this site and others (including the developer of Eco-systems) that lighting 24/7 would prevent this. I have been doing this for a year now and no caulerpa crashes whatsoever. You can do a search on this site for tons of info on this.