New RODI Filters - TDS higher in storage containers


New member
I use 2, 7 gallon of the blue HDPE water containers. The ones they used to carry at walmart. I replaced all 3 rodi filters plus the DI today. Water coming out is testing at 000. I emptied my containers out. Rinsed them with new RODI water and the reading coming out of the container is always higher between 1-2 TDS. Do i need a better method of cleaning my water storage containers? Need to ditch them completely, or not to worry since the water going in is 0?
I use 2, 7 gallon of the blue HDPE water containers. The ones they used to carry at walmart. I replaced all 3 rodi filters plus the DI today. Water coming out is testing at 000. I emptied my containers out. Rinsed them with new RODI water and the reading coming out of the container is always higher between 1-2 TDS. Do i need a better method of cleaning my water storage containers? Need to ditch them completely, or not to worry since the water going in is 0?

I asked same question in chemistry awhile back and was told not to worry about it. As long as its coming out 0 tds from RODi your ok.
Clean it with vinagar.

Many years ago i had a conversation with Treeman on here, better known as Matt Tindall. Long time FMAS member and at one time had his own aquaculture facility, that he rinsed everything with ammonia. He rarely posts any more. He even bough huge vats used for agriculture and other chemicals, and said the ammonia would neutralize everything. I dont think we can go wrong with using both with new vats. Ammonia, then vinegar, or vice versa. One is an acid, one is a base. Combo of both should take care of everything. Ive also heard some materials seem to "leach" things, but not familiar with those details. Ive had my Rubbermaid Brute for years, and dont think its ever leached anything.
Could be TDS creep maybe, since they are small containers? The first bit of volume produced by RODI is usually super high TDS, I think due to stagnant water in the unit. Maybe its high enough that some is getting past the DI stage? Usually not an issue in large containers since the first little bit of high TDS output has insignificant effect on large volumes of 000 TDS water.