New skimmer


Premium Member
I'm looking to purchase an Aqua C EV-120 or EV-180. I have about 90g max. of water with an average fish load. My tank is mainly SPS corals which is the main purpose for my tank.

I have limited space in my sump where I want to place the skimmer. So if the 120 is sufficeient it would the prefered.

But bottom line I need to know what is best suited for my tank
With SPS the bigger the skimmer, the easier it will be to maintain proper water quality. I think you'd be better served by the 180, though the 120 would do if you can't make room for the big guy.
From reading the owners manual it sounds like the in sump application is the preferred method. Trouble is there's not enough room for a 180 in my sump. Would I regret putting it oustide the tank? Overflows and the like?
I have a 240. Originaly i planed on having it in the sump but.... it didnt fit. So i moved the sump to the next room and then decided i didnt want it in the sump.

Long story short...... mine is located above the sump about 3'. I pipe the exit down to the sump (with siphon break). I am using an Iwaki MD40RLT so the additional head loss isnt a factor (3'). I run it wide open to maintain AquaC's recommended water level. I get a small amount of creep around the collection cup so other than that i have no issue.
You might not want to hear it here, but IMO, injection based skimmers are at a disadvantage until you get into units able to handle 300g reefs on up. Becketts, downdrafts (ETSS), mazzei (venturi), and injector (AquaC), all require a large pump to provide not only flow, but also pressure (which lower flow pumps lack entirely it seems until you get into something 700gph/180watts on up). A needlewheel skimmer has the same if not better bubble production at this level for much less wattage (under 80watts is usually) because it doesnt need the pressure. Just my .02, because PA does also carry Euroreef and ASM skimmers which are good examples of these skimmers.