New SPS BB 180 - Lighting dilemma


Premium Member
I love lots of light. I have 2 400se 12k Reeflux and 1 250de XM 10k over my 75. I am happy with the color and growth on my 50+ sps and couple of LPS

In my new 180 BB reef:
I can't decide if I want to use the 2 400se and 2 250de. The 400s on the ends and the 250s in the middle - OR - 3 400s and then use one 250 on each of 2 frag tanks - I have all of these lights already. The other 400se is on a 50gal Rubbermaid prop tank. The other 250de is still in the box.

I don't care about fast growth, I prefer color and density. The leftover light will go in the frag tank.

what do you folks think? From experience or theory...
Depends on what you're keeping too. (tables, encrusting, plating, etc) If electricity isn't an issue, and your stock is acclimated, 400's.
since you love lots of light, i would go with 400 on your main tank and use the 250 on your prop tank.

Why didn't you just call me? :)

Personally I would go with straight 400w SE's across. Tomorrow or Wednesday when I swing by we can talk more about it.
Panic, 3x250w SE 10k XM on icecap MH ballasts + 3 URI VHO actinics.
JBNY uses this setup and a few other guys local to me as well. They all have AWESOME color.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6788465#post6788465 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Purple Haze
Depends on what you're keeping too. (tables, encrusting, plating, etc) If electricity isn't an issue, and your stock is acclimated, 400's.

I have a few of each. My favorites are in the frag tank, lots from ReeferMadness and local reefers. I have a 400se Reeflux 12k and 48" VHO Superactinics over them, and they are super happy.


It seems that people are steering away from de. Are they better for a prop system? I hope so, because it sounds like I might be stealing my 400se from my prop tank to put over my display. So I'll have 2 250de's with 10k xms