New sps.




Got them both for $29 each.
montipora danae i have been told its a fake superman. I dont know if there is a name other than a montipora danae though.
Fake superman?:rolleyes: Give the coral a complex why dont ya!:lol:

Shots arent the best to tell but danae's are pretty distinctive, and the this popular color morph is being found in other species of montipora as well. At first I thought it was that real vibrant purple/fuchsia one thats been going around lately, the pics are kinda dark is it red and blue?Nice pieces nonetheless :)

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Okay I take that back there is no way I can tell what that is I just went thru all of the montipora corals and there are like 7 which it can be .

But I am certain its no danae
and now that I have looked over Porites of different tpyes it could even be one of them also .
Its purple with purple red i dont know polyps. LOL its only been in my tank since 3 pm ill have to take better pics later. But all i know is a place called cap bay wanted $180 for one smaller.
I seen alot of these in the last few months its a shame they are priced so high. Our LFS has a few and they are between 150-200 bucks . A heck of a mark up considering they cost the same as the other mariculture acros.
There's been lots of these coming out of the Cali wholesalers aquacultured as Asst. bright purple montipora for about $20-$30. for a 3 x 3 inch piece... Should color up nice.