New tank members

I have purchased several new items for my tanks within the last week so I will try to post pics tomorrow. I'v gotted 2 clown for the nano, An eel, an lionfish and yellow eye for the frag tanks and I got a frag pack from another reefer. New corals are always a nice addition.
I know the forum has been alittle slow the last two weeks so I'll try to post pics to pick up the activity.

I'll be looking forward to that (: Predator aquariums are always a joy to look at and you don't hardly ever see good ones on youtube.
Okay here are some pics but please no judgement on the awful photos. I had forgotten to get pics and snapped these as I ran late out the door to work. I will try to get some decent pics up soon and I couldn't get the yellow eyed photoed because he was hiding behind some cheato

I purchased the coral from another reefer and the other stuff from fish and phipps.



2 clowns

From right to left
Spongode, pink lace birdsnest, Ponape Birdsnest

Valentine damicornis pocillapora


Orange Digi

ORA German Gray Digi

Greensleeves Digi

Alabama Grape Cap
I don't mind the quality. I get horrible quality pictures on my phone all the time. And everything looks really neat (: I keep trying to let my roommate let me set up a predator tank for him once I get the hang of my saltwater tank.
Everyone is doing OK. I've got new bulbs for the corals and a kalkwasser setup for them as well. The Eel started eating and so did the clown and yellow eyed. Unfortunate I haven't gotten the lion fish to eat yet so I may have to do the unthinkable, get some feeder fish. You should never feed marine fish with freshwater counterparts but I may have to just to get him enticed to eat. I'm going to look up and see if there is a load gutting method to help.

Absolutley! I used some rosey reds to intice a feeding response and then slowly added dethawed shrimp and now it is on the shrimp only. Wasn't too bad of a transition. The eel is doing great as well. Freshwater fish is the last thing you should feed a marine fish. It can cause some problems but sometimes you just don't have a choice.

Corals are doing well with some new growth sprouting up. Heading to El paso tomorrow for more frags form a local hobbyist in the el paso club.

I'll post some pics once they are in the frag tank.

Got another member for the frag tank. I got an Orange toadfish. Figured I'd keep it agressive. Got some nice frags from Ben down in El Paso. Actually I wouldn't call them frags as they are huge. He has a nice little setup in his garage growing pieces out. I still need to get some pic up. I'll try in the next few days.

Looking for coral in El Paso

Looking for coral in El Paso

Hey. I've been looking for someone here in El Paso to buy frags from...the LPS don't seem to have much of a selection lately. I have a 60 gallon that I started within the 5-6 weeks and would like to start putting things into it slowly. I have 2 Damsels, 1 black brindle sea star, 1 Emerald Crab, 3 hermit crabs and 3 button polyps. I also bought some red vegetation from the LPS, not sure what the name of that is. I can attach pics of the tank and contents. I'll keep the Damsels for another week or so, then I can take them back to the LPS I got them from and get credit towards the other fish I want to get. I'm looking for a bulb anemone (for the clowns I want to get) and maybe some feather dusters or some other "free-flowing" type of coral. I don't want anything too colorful or in need of special lighting. I have Fluorescent light in the tank and I can't afford the LED lighting. I looked into that when I first purchased the tank and that's not realistic for me right now. I don't want anything spectacular, maybe some Octocorallia, Xenia or maybe Sarcophyton. Something along those lines anyway. Please let me know. Thanks. :fish2:


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More pics of tank and contents...

More pics of tank and contents...

I could only upload 5 pics so here's some others. As you can see there are plenty of places to attach new corals to give the tank a little more "movement". I also attached a pic of one of the hermit crabs and I tried to get the sea star but it's hiding under one of the rocks so I'm not sure if you can see it. Thanks again.


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What kind of light is it t-5? Or just a regular bulb that came with aquarium? That would be the big deciding factor if you can get some coral in there. I dont have any soft coral but MSTARK has kenya trees and some other misc corals. In alamo of course
Hello Fellow Alamo and area reefers.
I have two tanks, both nano, one is a 24 gal Cardiff half round all in one that is 8 months old, the other one is a shallow frag tank @ 12 gallons with a 10 gal sump, all done as a DIY project, it has been cycling for two weeks.
I have some things to trade on a fairly regular basis such as Dragons Breath algae and small coral frags. I prefer to trade with other reefers so hit me up if you have something to trade.