New tank (need advice)


New member
I need advice. I removed in wall cabinet, and have now rectangular space in wall with following dimensions : 46(L)x29(W)x80(H). Back wall of that space is garage wall, so I can drill wall there and use garage space for equipment.
So, I need your advice with ideas what tank, what setup I can go with to create something cool using this opening in wall.
Thank you.
Your going to need to have a custom tank built. My suggestion would be not to take advantage of about more than 48" inches or so of the height otherwise it will be impossible to reach to the bottom of the tank to clean. Leave a space in the front that you can flip open and access the front of the tank from. If your keeping the equipment in the garage, make sure its air conditioned or else your tank will over heat on a hot day.
Glass or acrylic ?

Glass or acrylic ?

What do you recommend if I go with 46x29x36 : glass or acrylic ? Do you think this dimensions will make good FOWLR aggressive tank, or it more fits reef tank ?
Thank you.
Are you tall? Reaching the bottom of 36" tank is a challenge. Acrylic is my preference, but with that tall a tank glass my be ideal so you can clean glass with a razorblade.

If you can expand the opening a couple of inches an 150 Tall is a standard size tank which is 48x24x30. That might save you some money depending on what your budget is for the overall project.
If all equipment will be in the garage/fish room then 36 in might not be a problem with a lower stand. Doing this can still be appealing while coming into the room and sitting down in the room let alone looking doqn into the tank when needed. Id go with glass myself I've seen too many ppl here in RC complaing the acrylic gets scrathed to easy. Is it possible to knock out some of the wall giving you more access from the garage area? Doing this can give you more availabilty for tank purchase with out going the custom route.