New tank would appriciate a little guideance

Mark Bianco

New member
Hello All,
I bit the bullet and ordered a 180 gallon wide tank 72 x 24 x 25 with two overflows; this tank will be replacing my 75gl mixed reef with 70 lbs of live rock. For 2 years I ran this tank off a 20gl sump. About 6 months ago I put an 110gl sump in the basement cycled it with 50 lbs of dry rock for 2 months then hooked it up to my 75fgl tank upstairs. What I was thinking of doing is moving the 75 to another room (The GF wants new carpet.) Ok its 7 years old LOL anyways I cannot connect this back into the sump in the basement and was going to put it back on the 20gl sump. Get the new carpet then move the new tank in place. Put in about 100lbs of dry rock and hook it up to the basement sump. My only concern is the sump monsters that live in the sump. The story behind that is the neighbor was moving and it was either taking his 10" naso, 8" sailfin, and a 6" black clown or he was going to do the freezer thing.

Will the addition of fresh saltwater and rock hurt the sump monsters? Once I am sure everything is cycled then I will move all from the 75gl to the new tank. I guess I could cure the dry rock in a separate container first for a couple of weeks first if need be.

I am guessing the other equipment I have will be sufficient? 6 AI SOL Super Blues, Reeflo Tarpin return pump, 1/3hp Chiller, AquaC EV240 skimmer with a mag18, AquaC calcium reactor, Neptune controller, and a 800 watt heater.

The only thing I am not sure of is for the tank flow I have two small powerheads with rotating deflector and one mp10ews. What you recommend for internal flow.

Thanks in advance
Your sump monsters should be be fine as long as you run some carbon and perhaps skim. Just keep an eye on ammonia/nitrites etc. and don't over feed at first. They would certainly appreciate more space!

As for water flow Tunze stream pumps or Vortex MP40 would do fine.

Good luck