New to FMAS


New member
Hey reefers!
New to saltwater and found this forum not too long ago. I have a few years of freshwater experience but nothing crazy. I hope to make the next meeting. We have had a freshwater in our office for a few years and grew tired of it since the fish werent too interesting. I offered to research and do a saltwater build, a few months later, the tank is up and running. Here are some pics with my work camera(my sisters has one of the DSLR or w/e it is).

Its a 55g w/ a 10g sump/fuge. Most of it is dry rock with live rock(from lilfishbigreef). hope to meet all of you soon


First off....Welcome to the forum!!!

How long has it been up? What kind of lighting are you using?
What corals to you plan on keeping?
Welcome, Our next meeting should be 01-22-08 which as always it is on the 4th Tuesday of each month, You can find more info at our website
Congratulations on your new tank, it looks like you are for a good start.
Im picking up an 8 bulb nova extreme from a guy this friday. I cycled the tank with standard flourescents and still am using them at the moment. its been running for a month now, hoping to add a few corals in a few months after I learn more about the water chemistry and what not.
I plan on keeping some polyps at first, and see where it goes from there. Its at our office, so its only supervised 10 hours a day, but I do come at night to check and make sure nothing is leaking.

thanks for the welcomes!
im also a new member it will be my first meeting as well hope to see you there. everyone is great on great on here and very helpful.