Hi RC! My name is Harold. I have been doing a lot of research for the past few weeks because I want to start my first saltwater tank. I have been in love with saltwater fish ever since I was kid. So, I decided I will try my best even though I was a little intimidated by all the comments I see everywhere saying that having a saltwater tank can be challenging. I would like some help on the things I need, just want to make sure I have everything I need before buying fish. I have 55g tank, bought a RO buddi 4 stage system, Instant ocean reef crystal mix, 20lbs Caribsea Live Rocks, 50 lbs Top fin Aragonite, Aquaclear 70, Heater, two tetra whisper air pumps (one is 20, and the other one is 40, the guy that I bought the tank from gave them to me for free) Test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, salinity, and hydrometer, and API QuickStart. Everything brand new besides the Tank, aquaclear 70, and Heater, I rinsed everything with rodi water. Currently filling the tank. Let me know if I need something else