What I did, when started - the thorough web search for non-photosynthetic coral care, requirements. A lot more information is shown, if search by name, and add words feeding or skimmer.
My first coral, NPS by coincidence, was bought in a month after starting the saltwater fish tank, 20g. Still alive and relatively well 2 years later. But I'm biologist, research, maybe this helped
I just placed my recommendations on the corals of choice in "Which corals would be good for a newbie" thread.
Keeping a very big tank with the fine-mouthed corals, that have to be fed almost constantly - is a big strain, as Stottlemire said. Dendros and scleros.
The big mouthed corals, that require less frequent feeding, are much lesser problem, IMHE. $20 a month cost of food, or less. But skimmer will help with water quality. Tubastrea and large polyped gorgonians, except blueberry.
A lot of people are keeping them - you can read about their experiences on the web.
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P.S. Fierce attackers of the others' points of view will be added to Ignored list - I reserve right to have own opinion, based on my, not somebody else's experience. And not being harassed. Sorry.