New to Reefing; where to begin!

Patrick Bateman

In Memoriam
Greeting everyone.

I am not new to Reef Central. I have lurked from time to time over the past five years. I had an active account at one point, but since my focus over the past few years has been on planted aquariums, I completely lost track of it and created a new one for simplicity sake.

Out of nowhere -as it usually happens-I picked up a reef keeping magazine and drooled over the reef tanks. I have slowly started to begin researching different reef tanks and for the third (fourth?) time in my life, I am seriously considering setting one up.

I live in a house with 10 of my fraternity brothers. We like to throw parties on occasion, and they tend to get out of control. I had a beautiful planted tank set up in my room. One night I came home from the bars to find about 20 drunk kids in my room. I kicked them the hell out and when to bed. When I woke up the tank was filled with brown murky gunk; someone had poured a beer or two into the open top of the aquarium. I tried massive water changes, but the bacterial bloom kept multiplying no matter how much cleaning I did. Within a few days my meticulously grown foreground had melted and everything else in the tank was following closely behind. Total destruction.




I decided to cut my losses and scrap the whole system. It was heartbreaking.

Recently, I have been bitten -yet again- by the bug. The thing is, this time I'm leaning towards a reef set up. I've been here before, but I think that I want to make the plunge as this summers project.

Here are some things I am considering:

1. Space is limited, so if I do a tank it will have to be smallish. I'm loving the 20 long. I have always thought that the footprint was awesome. My planted was a 29 gallon, which is really only 9 gallons of added height. This was beneficial for my planted tank (Less pruning on those fast growers), but I think the shallower depth will serve me better for a reef since I plan on using T5 lighting.

2. To sump or not to sump. This is where I always get stuck in planning a reef. I know from my research that there are people who don't use a sump on nano tanks, but I don't want to be constantly worried about shifting parameters. My biggest concern with a sump is screwing up the plumbing and flooding my room. If i didn't use a sump I would probably DIY a HOB filter (aquaclear 70 or 110) into a fuge, but I don't know how well this would work.

Also if I went with an "off the rack" stand, I don't think I could fit a sump bigger than 10 gallons underneath. Is such a small sump even worth the trouble? I think my ideal setup would include a 20 L display with a 20 L (or 20 H) sump. I could try and build a stand that could fit a 20 gallon underneath, but my carpentry skills are not that great and I don't know if I could be comfortable with something I built. Anyone make a simple stand around here that turned out well?

3. Lighting. I have a 36" 2x39 watt Aquatic Life T5HO that I used on my 29 gallon. For a planted tank this was considered overkill lighting, but it ended up working well. It doesn't have true individual reflectors; but even though the reflector is a single piece, it curves around each bulb. Not the best but not bad either. Finding a light for the 30" long 29 gallon turned out to be a real pain. most 30" lamps only had 24" bulbs that left dark spots in the corners of the tank. I decided to get a 36" fixture with bulbs the length of the aquarium. No more dark spots! The overhang didn't look bad at all and I actually liked the look of it better than the 30" fixture. Here's a picture with the 36" fixture on an early version of my 29 gallon.


Do you think this 78 watt T5HO fixture will be sufficient for the shallow depth of a 20 long? it's only 12" deep compared with the 18" 29 gallon. I don't want to get into extremely difficult corals. I think some softies and maybe a few hardy SPS is what I will be after.

4. Skimmer. This is another aspect I am interested in. Is a skimmer necessary on a nano system? I would be more inclined to add one if I decided to make a sump, but even then, would it be worth the cost? I have heard that weekly water changes will suffice on a small system. I am already used to doing weekly 50% changes from my freshwater systems, so I don't consider that to be a big issue. What do you think?

5. Live Rock or dead rock? This is another area i am really confused on. I have read that dead rock is the way to go to avoid destructive hitchers. I like the price compared to live rock ($12/lb in KY-absurd!), but do you have to wait 3-4 months for it to grow bacteria before you can start adding corrals? I'm not in any rush to add fish, but I would not want to wait 3+ months to get some corals in the tank. Does rock need to be living before you can add corals the tank? or does the cycle just need to be complete?

I follow Mr. Saltwater Tank Tv from time to time, and I saw an article where he recommended dry rock and Dr. Tim's bacterial additive (or something like that) to cycle the tank and seed the dry rock. I was surprised that someone like him would recommend that, because I thought cycling additives were a big no-no. Thoughts?

6. Sale thread in the forums?- Is there a sale thread in the forums here? I purchased nearly all of my plants and livestock from's sale forum, and hopefully I can do that here at Reefcentral...

Okay I'm going to stop, I've thrown enough out there for now. Hopefully I will actually be able to make the plunge into reefing this summer. Thanks for the input!
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WELCOME! Beautiful planted tank!

1. I have seen some 20gal longs that have looked great as reef aquariums. But from what ive seen, everyone asks "why didn't i go bigger?" If your 29 is free I say use that. The more water volume in the system the better IMO

2. I definitely would sump. I have a 26 gallon bow, and I have a 14 gallon sump underneath which I am pretty sure is the same footprint as a 10gal just taller. A 10 gal sump would be perfect for your application.

3. Depends on what kind of corals you plan on having. Most softies should be fine, maybe some LPS. Is it only daylight bulbs? Actinic lighting is very popular in this hobby to achieve that blue effect. You could change one bulb to an actinic but im not sure if one of each would be enough light. Maybe someone else can chime in.

4. Again I recommend a skimmer. I do biweekly water changes and I still have to clean the cup every few days of nasty gunk. In my setup since my sump is a little small for a traditional skimmer, I bought a HOB skimmer from CPR and put it off the side of my sump. Unconventional, but it works great and you wont have to look at the pump or return line in your display tank.

5. Im not too sure on this one as ive never used dead rock. I bought live rock, waited about 3 weeks for my cycle and have never had a problem.

6. There is a sale sub-forum but im pretty sure you need to have a certain number of posts to access it. Again not 100% on this.

Here is a link to my tank, maybe you can get some ideas from it on how to do yours.

Also, I always tell people to checkout to research fish, inverts, corals etc. I recommend making a stock list and building your tank around the needs of said selected inhabitants as far as lighting etc.

Good luck. Make a build thread when you start!
You pose a lot of good questions. I'm sure someone with more experience than I could help you. The only thing I can say for certain is, yes, there is a for sale forum but it is restricted access. You must acheive 50 "meaningful" posts and 90 days on the forum. Just keep asking questions and the post count will eventually take care of itself. As for the 90 days... that just about fits your time frame of this summer.

Anyway, I just dropped in to say HELLO:wavehand:
1. I have seen some 20gal longs that have looked great as reef aquariums. But from what ive seen, everyone asks "why didn't i go bigger?" If your 29 is free I say use that. The more water volume in the system the better IMO

2. I definitely would sump. I have a 26 gallon bow, and I have a 14 gallon sump underneath which I am pretty sure is the same footprint as a 10gal just taller. A 10 gal sump would be perfect for your application.

3. Depends on what kind of corals you plan on having. Most softies should be fine, maybe some LPS. Is it only daylight bulbs? Actinic lighting is very popular in this hobby to achieve that blue effect. You could change one bulb to an actinic but im not sure if one of each would be enough light. Maybe someone else can chime in.

I would like a bigger system, but unfortunately space is my main concern. I actually don't like the height of the 29 gallon for scaping the rockwork. I think that the shallow depth of the 20 L is awesome.

Yea I don't know how the lighting will turn out. I thought that the shallow depth of the 20L would let me maybe get away with a little less lighting. but I don't really know enough about reef lighting to say much.

I will absolutely be switching one of my bulbs out for an actinic, I love the blue look of a reef! I am used to avoiding actinics like the plague with my planted tanks haha! I currently have a giesemann aquaflora and a daylight 6500k, both 39 watts. I will certainly have to get rid of the pink aquaflora, but will a 6500k work? or is a 10000k preferred for a reef tank along side an actinic?

Ken55: Ahh that must be the 90/50 rule I have heard people talking about...
that's a hell of a deal. You said you've used lights from them before? I can't imagine that there are individual reflectors with that unit, but at 156 watts, I doubt that it really matters -for a tank as small as a 20 Long at least-
I wish that I had led moonlights in my fixture!

I might see how it goes with just the 2x39 watt fixture. I can always add a cheap 2 bulb fixture similar to the one you linked if I have to for a little extra light. If I keep my current 2x39 watt fixture I will most likely swap both bulbs for something of higher quality.

Anyone have any safety measures to prevent sump overflow/emptying of display tank? For whatever reason this is my biggest fear in building a sump...
That's right I had the 24inch version of that same light. Which was 96watts. I upgraded to a 178watt 18inch metal halide fixture also from them. I can't say enough good things, and their customer support is top notch.

As for the sump drain, it depends on how you run your return line. If you go up and over the side with pvc like I did I just drilled a small hole right at the water line to suckair in and prevent a siphon. Even if you drilled through the back and used loc-lin or something similar, at most only a few gallons would drain which should be fine for a 10gallon sump to handle.
That's right I had the 24inch version of that same light. Which was 96watts. I upgraded to a 178watt 18inch metal halide fixture also from them. I can't say enough good things, and their customer support is top notch.

As for the sump drain, it depends on how you run your return line. If you go up and over the side with pvc like I did I just drilled a small hole right at the water line to suckair in and prevent a siphon. Even if you drilled through the back and used loc-lin or something similar, at most only a few gallons would drain which should be fine for a 10gallon sump to handle.
As for the sump drain, it depends on how you run your return line. If you go up and over the side with pvc like I did I just drilled a small hole right at the water line to suckair in and prevent a siphon. Even if you drilled through the back and used loc-lin or something similar, at most only a few gallons would drain which should be fine for a 10gallon sump to handle.

That's a great idea!

here's the exact setup I think I will make, Stand and all. I found this over on Ch2iS is making a 20 Long with a 10 gallon sump. The plumbing doesn't look overly complicated. I like the small overflow box in the center, and the angled pvc into the sump would reduce the noise of the water correct?

The small gap to the left of the sump would also allow me to put a 5 gallon ATO reservoir under the stand as well. I still might use a 20 high for the sump because it has the same footprint. It will still fit because I think I will make my stand a little taller than most factory stands. I'm 6'4" and I don't want to be constantly crouched to see into the already shallow profile of the 20 Long!


I will probably copy this skeleton structure exactly.
That looks like a great setup only thing I would do would be add another baffle for a refugium. If I had to redo mine again this is how i would set mine up

What would be a minimum size for a refugium? I'm worried three equally sized chambers in a 10 gallon might be kind of tight.

I also didn't realize that both center pipes in the picture I linked were overflow downspouts (Shows my plumbing intuition -or lack thereof). I guess he is using a green flexible tubing for the return instead of rigid pvc, which sounds like a good idea. I wonder if you get better flow in a flexible tubing vs. a traditional pvc system?
Good point I for got were working with a small sump. So here is what you do, you make a sump almost the same as the one you pictured, except add one more baffle and use a HOB skimmer off the side of the sump, since space is limited. It is exactly how I am running my system right now. You can either do a single return like your picture, but I like the idea of splitting it into two lines. The line that tee's off right back into the fuge area is to adjust flow if pump is to strong for what overflows can handle. (most likely not needed, but nice to have for fine tuning.
