New to Rics


New member
Hi everybody...will be getting a shipment of mixed color Rics tomorrow and would lie some advice as to a good acclimation procedure. This is my first experience with Ricordea and dont want to mess it up.

Will greatly appreciate any advice...
Drip acclimate like you would do for another other coral, invert, fish, etc. Place them in the lower light and lower flow area of the tank and you'll be good. They're very easy to care for. Good luck with them.
Get a plastic container wide and shallow then depending on how many little baggies you have place each into a serperate styro cup then replace half the water with tank water then 20 minute later do it agian repeat one more time then place then in QT with no light and low flow for 24 hours then depending on your light kick on the actinics for a few hours the second day then the third actinics for the full amount you normally use them for and the pc's / MH for 2 hours then 4th day same but 4-5 hours by day 5 go with your normal lighting hours. Keep them low at first as well untilt he get used to your lights some times even after all that they are still to strong and you many need to take action to fix it.
Thanks Jonathan for the advice..One question, do I pour the rics into the plastic container?
Well, I finally got them and surprise...they were shipped with very little water, so I didnt really acclimate, I just put them into the tank!!
Float the bag to acclimate them to the temperature then go with a drip acclimation. Same procedure I use for everything. Place them in lower flow and over a while you will be able to acclimate R. florida to higher lighting.
Well, I finally got them and surprise...they were shipped with very little water, so I didnt really acclimate, I just put them into the tank!!

Regardless of the vol of water they were shipped in, you should ALWAYS acclimate to reduce casualties. The whole purpose of acclimation is to gain equilibrium between the water the coral/fish came from to yours. If rushed, the ability to respire is highly affected.

If you were stripped from the tropics in the Pacific and suddenly thrown onto Mount Everest, the change in oxygen concentration could/would kill you. This is an extreme case of what happens when you do not properly acclimate. You may not see the casualties in Rics/Shrooms/Zoas, but try that with some stonies and you'll have new designer artic white corals in no time...

Just a warning....

I agree with you 100%...but when I said very little water I really meant no water!!! Maybe just an ounce per bag to keep a humid environment I guess, but really, the rocks weren't really submersed.

Thanks for you comment.
That's too bad. Anything can happen in shipping but I would be looking for another vender if the packing was crappy. Hope they do well for you!
Thanks Drawman...everything seems to be fine. I've got some orange, peach and green.

What is the most common color?
Well, I finally got them and surprise...they were shipped with very little water, so I didnt really acclimate, I just put them into the tank!!

You put them directly into your Display or the QT tank that I hope you put them in ?

You do realize that the wild farmed rics carry more bugs and such on them then almost anything else ? they hide under the foot and leaflets of the shroom itself.

Also watch them if you get this redish/brown slime growing on one of them then get it out of there if the "goo" touchs another ric it will kill it. It's very diffcult to get them back once this starts and impossible for a newbie like yourself until you have deal it with it a couple times.

an update would be cool as I check daily to see what is going on in the shroom world
Wild farmed? You mean aquacultured from wild rics? I have dealt with the bugs that JMC is talking about. The rics came from an aquaculture vendor in Missouri and lost about 60 rics over a 2 month period.....I now only get rics from 2 vendors and all are wild collected. I only temp acclimate Florida ricordea and haven't lost a single one with about 100 or so in my collection. Yumas you have to be much, much more careful and take all acclimation procedures along with photoacclimation....get us some pics of these rics so we can see them as well.....Rics are the best.
Hi...I did put them into a QT. They are doing fine I guess. I dont see them get very big yet, but I think they are settling in.

The first day I just put some regular lights for 8 hours. from the second day and to date (5 days) have them in 65wt PC 50/50. Will post pics as soon as I can.
Can't seem to get a good pic. need a better lens I guess.

I have a rock with like 10 Rics on it and would like to spread them in the tank. Can I get them off the rock? How?