New To SPS


New member
hey y'all,
im interested in getting my first sps over the summer break so i can care for it.
i have a combined total of 1300 gph for my 40 gallon tank in powerheads. my water quality is pristine, pretty stable and the tank is finally a year old. i have xenia, a torch, a kenya tree and some zoas currently.
what would be a tolerant coral to get?
ps the moral color the better. also im on a tight budget so not toomany pricey things.



- Montipora Capricornis
- Montipora Digitata
- Seriatopora Hystrix
- Acropora Yongei

These are some of the hardiest SPS that most will agree on, of course, there are exceptions but this gives you a place to start and some variety... I would highly suggest you to get a bit more flow, and ideally DC powerheads. It would be helpful if you posted your parameters as well. Good luck
You also need to test the big three: Alk, ca, and Mg too

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:lol:+1... I was already assuming those were your parameters when I said "post parameters". I was talking about Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium, not NH4, NO2, NO3, etc..
I like my alk around 6.5 min. and 8 max, although many run higher than that. I would definitely not go higher than 9-10, but heck, anecdotal experience means nothing in the grand scheme of things....

I can, however, tell you that your calcium should be around 420-450, with 415 being minimum and 470 being maximum I would prefer. So definitely drop your calcium a bit.

Magnesium should be fine if those are your alk and calcium, but just test it to be sure. Magnesium ratio should be 1:3 for Mag:Cal
:lol:+1... I was already assuming those were your parameters when I said "post parameters". I was talking about Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium, not NH4, NO2, NO3, etc..

LOL - although it is important to know NO3/PO4 too.

I'd keep your Alk lower, OP. I like mine in the 8-8.5 range.
I would be careful if you really have 0 nitrates and undetectable phosphates. If that is the case then your SPS will starve due to lack of nutrients. I like to have a lot of fish since fish poop can be beneficial to corals. I like to keep a "slightly" dirty tank with some nitrate and barely detectable phosphate.
When it comes to sps don't chase numbers!! Find that spot ur tank likes to settle at and keep it there. Most important thing is stability