new to sps


New member
Please do not think im stupid. Im curious, I have a 125 and im putting acros in it all im using is kent tech a and b I was using kalkwasser but my aquarium store owner told me not to. The sps are doing very well, I only have 5. I am taking it very slow only adding one or two at a time. Are the kent trace elements a and b enough for a light load of sps corals. I also add a few drops of lugols iodine a week. Is this a reasonable way to do this. I have had a reef aquarium for years with the exception of the last two years. This is the first time im doing a sps only tank. Any suggestions. thank you.
the 2 part works perfectly fine. I ended up getting a reactor cause it's much better for the corals to get stability...and uless your dripping 2 part this can prove to be a challenge.

what are your params measering for calcium, alk, and magnesium
I am not a big believer in dosing iodine. Most of the time you get what you need from fish food and water changes. If you are doing a 2- part in a 125 vs. a reactor I would highly consider doing a DIY 2 part(baking soda and dow flake) as the pre mixed stuff will get very expensive as your stock goes up.

Personally I got fed up with dosing as mine matured and went the reactor route.