New Top Down Photobox


habitual line stepper
I recently got one of these photoboxes from Melev. I have not mastered it yet, but I was able to get this shot. What do you think?

Canon 100m f/2.8 macro. It has taken some time but it is by far my favorite lens for taking pictures of my tank.
Which Canon camera is it? I contacted Melev a month or so ago, and he was rather busy at the moment. He said to contact him in a month or so. Guess he is caught up. I have the same lense and a XTi.
IBASSFSH it is a 300D. I am going to be getting the 400D in a month or so. I am looking forward to it. How do you like it so far?
I love it so far, but have so much to learn still. I have contacted Melev again. He is going to make me a box also.