New Zoa Help one frag not opening


New member
quick run down on tank. Several months ago I replaced all rock and all sand in tank after losing all SPS. Decided to order two Zoa frags from Reefs2Go when I ordered some more crabs and snails. Acclimated the two frags for an hour. The Candy Apple Zoa's opened within 30 minutes of being in tank Fire and Ice have not opened yet. Been in tank since Wed. Both were dipped at the same time. Anything I should do? I did try and feed with some Reef Chili to see if they would open but nothing. I don't run any GFO. I do run half the suggested amount of GAC from BRS. I run Skimmer and Cheato in sump Thanks for the help

Calcium 440
Mag 1400
Alk 9
PH 8.1
Salinity 1.0264
Nitrates 0
PO4 .06ppb
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
If there is no predators, marks, algae on them, nothing to worry, I guess.

No sense to try to feed closed polyps. They won't open for food if they're stressed/hurt. :wildone:
Established healthy zoa polyp/colonies can be benefit from feeding. Bleached polyps could also somehow get some energy from a good nutritious food, but not closed ones.

Make sure your temperature is in a good stable range too.
I would wait a bit more...
They probably going to be fine.

no predators, marks or algae on them. Water temp fluctuates 77-78. I have it sitting in about 200PAR I am thinking about putting it in lower light and see what it does.
You can try that.
Perhaps the light is too bright.
What type of light do you have? What were they under before?
I was assuming the light to be fine once the others were doing well, but we also know that different species of zoanthids have their own respond to the environmental conditions.
Good luck!

i have 6x54w NEP fixture with ATI bulbs over a 55g. I have no idea what Reefs2go uses. I was thinking the same thing as I have read some species likes different lighting
The light can be too bright, it may be adjusting to new light intensity. Try putting the zoa frag in a shaded area. Then move out to higher area of light.

Perhaps try that and see if it works.

You can also try dipping in furan 2 or coral rx .
I have moved the frag to a shaded area to see what happens. I dipped it in Revive before I ever put them in the tank
i have 6x54w NEP fixture with ATI bulbs over a 55g. I have no idea what Reefs2go uses. I was thinking the same thing as I have read some species likes different lighting

6 x 54W ATI bulbs are fine over a 55gal. Good choice with T5s!!!
Assuming that all other things are taken care of, it should be probably an adaptation matter and the polyps should be fine after a while...

Yeah, you could bring them a little farther from the bulbs for now and try to approach them after couple of weeks to the desired place.

If I have some zoa's that will not open it some times helps to give them a iodine dip. It seems to revive them :)
Iodine is more of a preventive/remediate dip then to be used as a adaptation help.
If the problem is adapting the zoas to the light then that should be addressed separately.
But yes, to dip the zoas for bacterial problems or as a preventive procedure with iodine based solutions are one of the best I've used. :thumbsup:

If they melted away the problem was probably bacterial infection, besides possible adaptation issues.
Next time try to dip and place any new zoa on the bottom and bring them up slowly within a week or more.
That should be the normal procedure for new acquired polyps.

I've had a frag of zoa's I've had for a few months and it hardly opens up. Its not bleaching and looks fine in color, just hardly opens. I'm going to have to try dipping it in iodine tomorrow and see what happens, I've never heard of that before.
I dipped them both in Revive, and put them both in the same spot about half way up tank in shade

I've had a frag of zoa's I've had for a few months and it hardly opens up. Its not bleaching and looks fine in color, just hardly opens. I'm going to have to try dipping it in iodine tomorrow and see what happens, I've never heard of that before.

Lugol's solution is what most people use as an iodine dipping.
You can try 5 drops of Lugol's in a 8 - 10 oz of tank water for one minute.
I have revive but didn't try yet.
Lugol's works so good!
