Newbie...My Tank (Photo intensive)


New member
Hi everyone...

I've been lurking around a while, and was finally convinced by some co-workers/members here to post some pictures.

I'm a bit of a photographer, so I've started taking shots of my tank, it's a 56 Tall, (30"w X 24"h x 18"d) I'm running two 150W MH's at 14k.

These photos are pretty much raw, hope you enjoy.
All photos are taken with my Nikon D200 and either the 105mm Micro-Nikor or an 18-55 f2.8 WA lens.

Overall, I'm still new to reefing, so it's a work in progress:

Polyp Hammer Coral

Green Tipped finger leather

Orange Zoa's

Open Brain under LED moonlights

A little closer

Zoa's under same LED light
Part II
Norm, the BadA$$ Hawkfish (Killed and ate a stone crab)


Corky, Sailfin Tang, Rescued from a friend of a friend, had really bad Head/Lat Line disease...


Zane, Lyretail Hogfish


Brain eating, under day lights

Thanks for taking a look...
Ok Chief...

This tank was converted from a chichlid tank in October 06 and started out as FOWLR with 130w of PC light, and has since evolved.
With a lot of help from reading here and Von_Ravin.

Live Stock:
150lbs of live rock
1 - Flame Hawkfish
1 - Sailfin Tang
1 - Lyretail Hogfish
1 - Skunk Scarlet Cleaner Shirmp
2 - Horseshoe Crabs
1- Queen Conch
24 - Assorted Snails including one Monster Mexican Turbo
12 - Blue and Red leg Hermits

1 - Green Tip Finger Leather
6 Headed Hammer Coral
1 - Neon Yellow Open Brain (not sure on the species)
3 - purple mushrooms
Orange Zoas
Ugly Green/Brown Zoas

On the hardware side...

In tank I have two maki-jet 1200's with the rotational flow things (Hydor?) I have a little lighted foot switch (meant for Christmas Tree Lights) that I have mounted in the stand that I use to easily power off the power heads for feeding, since it's lit I can easily see if I forgot to turn it back on later.

The tank is undrilled, so I have a HOB overflow. The stand the tank is on is too small to house anything other than the lighting ballasts in, so I made a remote sump stand. The tank is located off the corner of a room, so the tank is on one wall, and the sump is on the adjoining wall. My Sump/Refugium is a Living Color LC-100, and is encased in a "custom" cabinet that consists of a black bookcase with smoked plexi-glass doors that I built and mounted myself. All connections/hoses come through the back panel of the case.

Equipment in the sump is a 29w CF light, a Corallife Needle wheel skimmer (the small one), and a Mag 700 return pump. I also have a DIY auto top-off and a 5 gallon reservoir of RO/DI next to the stand.

All equipment in the tank is controlled by a Chauvet PC-09 Switch/Power Center (Shameless plug for Chauvet Products since I am their Marketing Director)

I think that about sums it up.
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