newbie - questions about Fla Rics


Active member
Man, there are some awesome photos on here. Got me excited to give a try on the Fla rics. I have two tanks. One is SPS mostly, a 50 breeder with pretty high flow and an Aquatinics TX5 fixture with one actinic and 4 other high Par bulbs.

The other tank (being completed this weekend!) is a 75 with 2 110W VHO actinics and 2 T5HO with individual reflectors. Flow is highish, but not like my 50. It will house mostly LPS and softies.

My questions is could I do Rics in both of these tanks? I am pretty sure the 75 will be fine (if not ideal), but I wonder how they would do under the high light/flow in the 50 SPS tank (I have some shrooms in there on a seperate rock. They were huge under my CF light but once I put the TX5 on there they shriveled up some. They do seem to be recovering though)

Are the Rics like the regular mushrooms or do they need more light? What else should I know about them? ANy good links to info about their care? Thanks in advanc!
they need more light than most shrooms. they will do decent in any light but will thrive in MH. The more light the better. Im not sure if they would do well in super high flow. I dont have sps so I dont know
Running T5's now. Anyone have them under that? I supposse I could always place them under a table coral or ledge to give them a little shade. I think I can find some areas with only moderate flow. I just may have to experiment a bit.

Anyone with some link to good info regarding their care?
if you use MHs be carefull with a 6500 k bulb.. i just had some melt under that bulb with 250 MHs a 40 breeder thier in the same sized tank with a 20k bulb, an they love it..oh an i sold my t5s..
250MH on a 40 breeder seems like a LOT of light. My 50 is I believe 3"s taller than a 40. I have an Aquatinics with 2 daylight bulbs so it is probably pretty intense. I'll start them in the shade. In the 75 they should do awesome. 2 Actinic VHO"s and 2 T5's (10K)
I guess I'll have to find a small eddy for them to chill in. There must be some place in my tank with mild flow :)

Thanks for the input.