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Hello I’m new reef tanks and haven’t set up any tanks in years and have an old 20 gallon tank. I am not sure what sized filters heaters etc to actually put on the tank. I am also not sure whether the salt in the water affects the size of equipment that should go on the tank. What sorts of equipment should I be buying for this tank? I do intend for there to be corals and fish in the tank.

Also seperate note how cheaply can I reliably buy this equipment cause my budget isn’t very high ?
For a twenty gallon tank, you can do a reef tank on a budget.

Since you want to keep corals, your biggest expense (IMO) will be your lighting. But, you can do lighting fairly cheap using some of the budget brands of LED lighting such and Viparspectra, Nicrew, PopBloom, SmatFarm, Phlizon, Lominie, etc. All of those are available on Amazon. I would recommend that you research what type of corals you want to keep and then pick your lighting based on that...we'll help guide you ;)

Do you plan to have a sump and/or refugium for your tank? If so, you can pick up kits on eBay to build your own sump/refugium from sellers such as jax.racks.123 and Marine Biosystems...just search eBay for, "aquarium sump kit." Then you simply need a cheap tank to silicone the pieces in to create and inexpensive sump/refugium. Of course, you'll need to either drill your tank for an overflow or use a hang-on type overflow.

You'll also want live rock of some sort. Many people build their tanks on a budget using just dry rock. Some use only live rock and others (like my current tank) use a combination of dry and live rock. You can get really nice live rock from places like Tampa Bay Saltwater, KP Aquatics, Gulf Live Rock and Salty Bottom Reef Company.

You'll also need to decide if you want to use a protein skimmer or not. I personally use a skimmer but, many have very successful reef tanks without one. This will be another significant expense. If you have a sump/refugium, you can use an internal skimmer. If you choose not to use a sump/refugium, you could add a Hang-On Back (HOB) skimmer.

That's just scratching the surface a bit but, gives you a few things to think about. As always, feel free to post your questions and we'll be happy to help provide guidance based on our experience.

A couple things to remember in this hobby.
1. Take your time...nothing good happens fast in this hobby.
2. There is no single right way to set up and maintain a reef tank. There are many options and what works for one person may not work for another.
I agree with the above. As a general rule, salt doesn’t affect what size equipment is necessary, but the inhabitants of the tank might.

So for a 20 gallon, I’d look somewhere around a 100 watt heater. Some use titanium heaters with a controller, others still use the old school glass heaters. Main thing I recommend is ensure you have some sort of controller (Inkbird is a cheap, mostly reliable solution for this (there have been some failures of the controller itself though)) to turn the system off if the heater fails.

I personally don’t run a skimmer, however I have one if I need it. Around here, they can be had pretty cheaply on the used market.

One other piece of equipment not mentioned is powerheads/wavemakers. If you’re on a budget, Jebao is generally considered good. I run mostly Jebao on my tanks.

Hope this helps!
I have returned after a long time waiting. Turns out my 20 gallon tank is long gone and I had to wait for my brothers freshwater tank to be emptied of its fish. So I now have currently a 21L tank, a 7.6W imagitarium light, a 55W aqua one glass heater, and a hang on back filter but I’m not sure if it’s power. They were all used for freshwater fish however I haven’t found any metal on them and so I think they can be used for saltwater as well. With the tank my brother also has a freshwater master test kit with a nitrite test, a nitrate test, ph test, and an ammonia test. There is also a ph up and ph down plus a nitrite,nitrate and ammonia remover.

If I want to put some basic leather corals possibly some Xenia in this tank just to start what other kinds of chemicals would I need. Also is my light to dull, and do I need a wave maker or current maker given my filter is for freshwater things. Lastly what should I have before I put water in the tank. I am also in Australia so there are way less services about reef tanks.
If you want to keep corals, that light (IMO) is definitely underpowered. Since you mention you're on a budget, I'll let @Reefing102 make a lighting suggestion since I'm not really up to speed on LED lighting (I'm still using 1990s/2000s Metal Halide lighting). With metal halide, we looked at watts per gallon to determine which lighting to use. With LED it's more about PAR values and (since I'm not using LED), I've really not researched that. That said, most of the LEDs can be dialed into a certain intensity. In other words, you can dim them.

The heater and filter should be fine since you are only looking to keep fish and easier to keep corals. You'll want to find out which filter it is because you want about 10 times turnover of water movement in your tank. So, with a 21 gallon, you want around 200 gallons per hour of water movement. Wavemakers are really nice to have as they not only move water but create varying currents to help keep detritus stirred up and allow food/nutrients to flow to the corals. For budget wavemakers, look at Jebao and Hygger. Both have good reputations and are relatively inexpensive.

Also, I'm not sure what ammonia, nitrite and nitrate removers your brother had but, I'll hazard a guess they are designed for freshwater only. For example, zeolite is used in freshwater to remove ammonia and does not work in saltwater.

The freshwater test kits and pH adjusters will not work for saltwater. So, you'll want to get new test kits. I recommend Salifert for ease of use and being relatively inexpensive. Another good brand of test kit is Red Sea. To start, you'll want to test ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to monitor your cycle. Once the tank has cycled you can then pick up other test kits. Since you only want easy to keep corals, you should be okay with just testing pH and nitrate going forward. You'll also want either a hydrometer or refractometer to measure the salinity of the tank and water change water.

Source water (tap) is another consideration. Most people who keep reef tanks use a reverse osmosis deionization ("RODI") system to make water for their tanks and topoff. RODI systems basically remove 99% of impurities in the water. Many people do have successful tanks using just tap water with a chlorine remover but, more prefer to be safe with RODI. An alternative to getting and RODI system is, some aquarium stores sell RODI water at least here in the US. Some grocery stores here also sell RO (without the DI) for drinking water purposes. Just don't use distilled water as some distilled water in made using copper piping and copper is toxic to invertebrates and corals.

I think I've answered all your questions except for, "Lastly what should I have before I put water in the tank?"

1. Tank - You already have
2. Heater - You already have
3. Filter - You already have
4. Thermometer - to keep and eye on your water temperature (if you don't already have one)
5. Test kits - At a minimum to start, you'll want to get a hydrometer/refractometer, and ammonia, nitrite and nitrate test kits
6. Salt - Many good brands out there. I currently use Instant Ocean as it's readily available and fairly inexpensive (I buy the 200 gallon mix boxes when they're on sale.
7. Rock - As mentioned earlier, you can use dry rock, live rock or a combination of the two. Since you're in Oz, your options for live rock are likely limited to Australian live rock. I don't know the price of this in Australia but, in the US Aussie live rock is pretty expensive ($25/lb compared to US aquacultured rock at $7-$10/lb). I personally prefer live rock because it adds a lot of life to the tank like macroalgae, small inverts, coralline algae, and many times has hitchhikers like shrimp, crabs, snails, starfish, etc.
8. Sand - You'll want a good aragonite based sand. How much is up to you.
9. Protein skimmer - Optional buy since you're not going to use a sump, you'd need a hang on back skimmer
10. Wavemaker - Optional but, again, depends on the gallons per hour of your filter

Hope that help and keep asking questions, we're here to help.
Just thought of another thing. In a reef tank, your rock and sand are the biological filter material for bacteria to colonize (this is the another reason I like to use real, harvested from the ocean, live rock). For your cycle, there are a couple of ways to do it.

1. If you're using real live rock or a combination of dry and live rock, once the tank is setup and filled with saltwater, place the rock into the tank.

2. If you're using dry rock, you can do one of two things.
2a. Place a raw deli shrimp in the tank and allow it to decompose. This will provide a source of ammonia to allow nitrifying bacteria to colonize the rock.
2b. Use a bottled bacteria product.

Once you've initiated one of the above methods, monitor ammonia, nitrite and nitrate until they are at acceptable levels:
So a 21liter tank is approximately 5.5 gallons. I don’t really know the light but it’s likely inadequate. Many of my usual recomendations are significantly overpowered for such a small tank so I’ll try my best with nano recomendations. Most of these I don’t have much experience or knowledge on so I do encourage you to do your own research.

Also, my LED reccomendations will stick with lower cost budget lights.

First, Glowrium Smart Saltwater LED -
This light is newer to the market but still considered a budget light. There aren’t many people running yet but the numbers it’s producing along with the features it has is starting to get some people talking. A nice thing is these can be mounted on the tank with their legs and don’t need to be hung. For this just select the appropriate size for your tank.

Noopsyche K7 Mini - Noopsyche K7 Mini 60W APP wifi control

This light is ran by many and will grow anything as well. Some are not a fan of it due to spectrum or programmability but others rave about them. One should do the trick. Be advised, shipping can be slow (like really slow) and customer service is definitely lacking. While they do have a US distributor, he recently has had medical issues and orders have fallen to the side this shipping from China. If it’s any Chinese holiday, your order will be delayed. This one does have an app though. You may have some shadowing with this light as well

Lominie A20 or P30 -

This light is newer to the lighting scene. I do not have any experience with this light but reviews seem good and either should have suffucient power for soft corals.

Now there are other brand name LEDs that are just not as budget friendly but will work just the same.

Hope this helps!