nightmare melting??


New member
i bought a nightmare polyp from a local reefer after i acclimated it it was open for a day and now it wont open and seems to be shrinking... is it melting? i have never had any zoas melt in my system so i have no idea what is going on... also bought a darth maul that every time it seems to be opening, closes back up.... anyone have any ideas??? all parameters are great and temp is a steady 78... the reefer i got them from was concerned about my alk, so i tested it when i got home he said his was a 12.9, mines is a 10 he said that would be fine so i only dripped them for about 2 hrs... did i acclimate long enough? or are nightmares and darth mauls just very finicky zoas? thanks in advance!
They are finicky. Just observe and dip them if you see any fungus or pests.

12.9 alk is waaayyy to high for zoas.
i didnt dip them because he had me scared to death they were going to up and die if i did anything to them.... he also told me that i should acclimate them for a day or TWO... which i thought was very odd. ive never heard of dripping for more than two or three hrs... should i just try a fw dip on them?
Do not fw dip them. I never drip acclimate corals, but that's just me. Some people may tell you differently. I tend to think it shocks them more when you drip. You need to find a process for adding new coral to your tank that works for you and that you trust and stick with it. In the meantime, observe them daily and take note of any further changes and dip in a coral cleanser product and/or furan 2 of you see any spots or fungus. Sometimes the best cure is to just "wait it out".
I agree with you Akwarius. No need to do a long drawn out acclimation with zoas/palys. The only thing I do different is a 30 second fresh water dip and into the tank they go. Works like a charm for me.
I just put them in just like any other coral i get witch includes LPS and SPS. I have not had any problems yet.