NIkon D200


IEMAS Seceretary
Well i have a nikon D200 with a 18-200 vr lens

is there a way i can take macro shots with the lens..

should i look into options sucah as

Extension Tubes, Tele-Extenders, and Tele-Converters

or should i just get a sigma lens...

The answer to your question depends on the IQ you would like to get and the amount of work you are willing to put in a shot as well as to the amount of magnification you want.
Extension tubes would be nice as there is no IQ loss still after a certain length of tubes the camera will start to fail to focus and you might need to focus manually which is not really a bad thing in macro. the 18-200Vr will not provide the IQ of a macro lens though. still I believe it will give you a nice working distance and the ability to zoom for focusing.... so it might be a better alternative than using a 50mm with tubes...
I tried everything starting from closup lenses, Extension tubes, reversing rings, Teleconvertors, in addition to trying extension tubes and a reversed 50 mm on them. I do get fabulous results but then have to have my objects very close to the glass and it takes a lot of effort to get the focus right even when using a macro focusing rail.
I believe it will save you money and time to spend the money in one go over a decent macro lens. the 105 non VR is a cheap and very good option. the 105 VR is even better when shooting on location without tripod. the 60 mm macro is also good still it will not allow yo uto get 1:1 when shoting items in the back fo your tank. the Tamron 90 and the sigma 105 are also good options. the Sigma 180 is also reported to be very nice. My personal favorite would be the Nikon 105 VR as it very sharp and has got VR so I can use it for decent macros without tripod for insects. A 105 VR with extension tubes or TC or both would be the real fun.
Get a Nikon 55mm f2.8 AIS Micro lens. They are superb and you don't use AF for macro photography anyway. You D200 body will meter with this lens too.

An example:
