Nikon D5000


New member
I was looking into getting a camera and was looking on craigslist and found this listing. It is for a Nikon D5000 and 2 lenses.
Is this camera a good quality camera? any problems with it?
what about the lenses? I am totally new to DSLR cameras and their lenses.
what would these lenses be good for? taking macros?
what about price?
I paid about $1100 out the door for mine with both lenses, a $100 bag, SD card, and lense covers.
I just heard a rumor today that Nikon is going to mothball both the D3000 and the D5000. I'd opt for the new D3100.

I bough the D5000 about 6 months ago and like it a lot but regret not buying the D90. The significant difference, for me, that I didn't know at the time, is the D500 does not have the built in flash commander of Nikon's higher end cameras to control off camera flashes. A $25 Ebay hot shoe flash controller sort of provides this functionality, but I'll probably upgrade bodies next year.

Otherwise, a great camera. The kit lenses are rated as some of the best kit lenses and are more than good enough for someone getting into photography.
The D5000 is not a bad camera but if you could afford it get the D90 or D300. If you have to get the D5000 keep in mind it not a motorized body so you'll have to always get the AF-s lenses if you want auto-focus. The kit 18-55, 55-200 lens are not bad either but you'll want to get a good macro lens for your reef tank, something in the 90mm-105mm macro range would be great.

That price used it too high, ~$700 is probably the most I would pay for that package used.
As they above have said. I too own a d5000, i love it, and takes really good pictures. I havent been in the photo hobby for maybe a year now, this camera was my gateway drug to the world of photography.
IMO a great camera to start off with. As far as that price and no warranty, I would say no go.
I've had a D5000 its a very good camera for the money.

It has been discontinued and will be replaced by the D5100, I dont know what the D5100 will have that the D5000 doesnt, but it probably wont be much. I think the biggest switch is the sensor, with the newer cameras having sensors actually manufactured by Nikon.

One lens to look at is the new 28 to 300, its a little expensive at $1100, but it does everything. Ive got one its very sharp, goes wide at 28mm, zooms out to 300, and even works as a macro.

A good place for info about Nikons and other cameras is he reviews almost everything
I know this forum post is very old. But it is best for you if you choose nikon d5000 for your photography. As i also use this camera for at least 5 years and it gives new look to my photography. Output desired picture quality.To know more about this model and its lens you can use nikon d5000 manual