Hmm, well for starters, I would suggest reading the owner's manual. I know it can look menacing, but it will help understand a lot of these terms, I promise. A camera's manual is one of the few manuals that I do read even when there is no assembly required.
For starters, EV stands for Exposure Value. Basically this function tells the camera how much (or less) brighter to make the picture while trying to keep the same basic setting you have the camera set to already. So in your case, +2.3EV means that you told your camera to take that picture at 2.3 times brighter than what it normally would have. When XTM says to try stopping it down, lower the EV to maybe -.3 or -.7.
You can't adjust the shutter speed directly because you are shooting in A-Mode. The A stands for Aperture, which means the user gets to determine the f-stop (how large of a depth of field) and then the camera determines the shutter speed. The higher the f/# the more of the picture will be in focus, but the longer the shutter is required to be open. Playing with EV and ISO will adjust the shutter speed.
As far as the settings on your camera goes, if you have photo editing software, change image quality to RAW and white balance to Auto. If you do have some sort of software, this will allow you to eliminate the bluish look that you have in this picture, and get it closer to how you see it. Other than that, that is how usually shoot.
For the little display on top
Lo=low battery charge (charge it!) haha
F/7.1 refers to the f-stop that I mentioned earlier, try lowering it to 4.5 or 5.6 and see what happens there.
Box w/ S = You are shooting single exposure mode, not burst. Kind of like a pistol instead of machine gun
The box with the single dot is what I was telling you about on choosing your focal and light metering area.
AF-A= Auto Focus - Automatic. You camera tries to adjust the focal area.
3.8k is an estimation of how many more pictures you can take before you fill up your memory card. So you have approximately 3,800 pictures left.