Nitrates stay stable, but phosphates zero out


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I've got a continuous problem with phosphates. My nitrates are at 5ppm and stay stable but my phos keeps zeroing out. I feed 3 to 4 times aday I dont run a skimmer anymore, no filter sock, no phosphate media. The only thing I have is a refugium and i dont run the light on that no more.

I even stopped water changing for a month but that started to impact corals as my trace elements were probably low, so I had to give in and do a water change.

My Lps have start to recced now.

I use the Hanna phosphrus checker for testing.

I guess my system is running to efficient?

Is dosing the way forward?

I am a also interested in knowing what level we should be aiming for. I have a similar issue.

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I feed 3 to 4 times a day I dont run a skimmer anymore, no filter sock, no phosphate media. The only thing I have is a refugium and i dont run the light on that no more.

Phosphate doesn't just disappear. It has to be bound or exported. Since you have no "filtration" that might normally help keep phosphate in check, you might want to think about what is causing the rapid decrease. It could be being bound to the substrate or being used by the corals and other organisms if your tank is really mature. If being bound to the substrate, dosing wouldn't be helpful. If you have a mature system that is actually using up all of the free phosphate, then dosing might be helpful.

FWIW, you might be on the wrong track. I don't think lack of phosphates would make an LPS recede. They normally get quite a bit of phosphate from being fed.
I would get a second opinion on that zero phosphate number especially if your maintaining 5 ppm nitrate. Hanna makes a good AlK checker, but the phosphate/phosphorus checkers can be inconsistent based on the small amount in the water. Hanna CA is has the same inconsistency due to sample size. Regardless of filtering capacity, you should have some trace of phosphate.
Is your checker reading in ppm or ppb ?
You need the ULR checker.

Why are you trying to elevate phosphate ?
I would get a second opinion on that zero phosphate number especially if your maintaining 5 ppm nitrate. Hanna makes a good AlK checker, but the phosphate/phosphorus checkers can be inconsistent based on the small amount in the water. Hanna CA is has the same inconsistency due to sample size. Regardless of filtering capacity, you should have some trace of phosphate.

What would be a good test kit. I thought the hanna phosphrus was supposed to be the test kit to have for accuracy and easy to read.
I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you feed 4 times a day and have 0 phosphates. All quality food contains phosphates. I found this useful:
Cheers! Mark

I can only go on what the hanna checker is telling me. I only have to scrap the glass every three weeks and I have no algae int the dt. Maybe it is getting consumed as fast as it enters the system
Last I checked .03ppm is 30ppb.
Every tank is different so .05 may work fine I like my tank to run at or under 30ppb.
Correction on my last post, my tank runs around 25ppb

Actually this is confusing. The ULR reads in phosphorous so needs to be converted to phosphate. So 30 ppb phosphorous is actually 0.092 ppm phosphate. See conversion table or multiply ppb by 3.066, then divide by 1000.
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