No additives SPS tanks


New member
Please post your no additives SPS tanks, I guess two part Cal/Alk doesn't count. Also please post your salt brand/type and water change schedule.
My trip to red additive here :-)


Just kidding :-)

My pico reef, just WC...50% each month


Another tank a couple of years ago :




I´m using Red Sea PRO for WC
This is my old 300g- 500 g system. From 2008
Additive free.. Calcium reactor and tons of food!
Wcs with H2 Ocean every 2-4 week. 20%

Unfortunately, I can't make the link to a photobucket movie work..

I still get sad when I look at it.. My best tank ever..
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This is my last SPS tank, pic from 2013, about 6 months before I dismantled it. I experimented with fancy potions in this tank, but didn't stick with anything. I think if I added more fish that would have worked better than any potions anyway. :lol:
There's some special tanks on here dendai/matt , I use a calc reactor, WC and plenty of fish an food no snake oils . The coral colours in dendai are what i want to achieve and i have looked at hydra's and they dont half bring out the colour

This is my last SPS tank, pic from 2013, about 6 months before I dismantled it. I experimented with fancy potions in this tank, but didn't stick with anything. I think if I added more fish that would have worked better than any potions anyway. :lol:

Doesn't it kinda make you wonder why we are using all of the fancy potions, now???
My tank isn't much to look at yet, but I'm trying to do things without making things more complicated and expensive than they need to be, thus I use no additives. I've been highly reconsidering my standing on that as some acros aren't coloring up, and others I still feel like could be better, much better. I'm trying to stay patient and hope that they just need more time and maybe growth to really look their best. Here's where my tank is at so far, and some of the acros that are doing pretty well.









Josh, what's not coloring up?
The corals look great..
I'm reconsidering my use of additives.. I may wean my tank off of all the stuff I'm using now..
WC 20 % weekly (Reef Crystals), fuge and Matrix. Started a week ago carbon dosing (AF NP Pro) and Probiotic bacterias (AF Pro Bio S) because this time my Matrix is having trouble to reduce Nitrates.

Tank is in recovery from a crash that have been affecting the tank since February. Finally coral dead have stopped during this last month. Nitrates and Phosp went to hell with crash.

Pictures from last weekend.

Doesn't it kinda make you wonder why we are using all of the fancy potions, now???

Yes. I've been scaling back actually. Micros make a big difference for my tank, but I don't think the rest of it does.

Oops, I forgot to say that I used H2Ocean with my old tank. Waterchanges were 12% weekly, and 60% once every 4 months.
Josh, what's not coloring up?
The corals look great..
I'm reconsidering my use of additives.. I may wean my tank off of all the stuff I'm using now..

Thanks Matt, here's a little rundown on some of the pieces I just can't seem to color up.

This piece has encrusted the entire plug now, I need an updated photo, but it's even more brown than that last picture. The plug is probably 1.5" diameter or so.

This piece has been through a lot so it's not really fair to complain about it, I've found it on the sand multiple times where it's been knocked over (from frag rack) and uprooted by an urchin (epoxy and all), I think this one is my fault and I just need to be patient.

This one still isn't as nice as it used to be, the overall appearance is washed out brown, the purple highlights should be more bold and saturated than they are and the polyps should be extended further. Placement may have been the issue so I recently ripped it from the rock and put it on my rack, I'm not sure where to put it so I haven't placed it yet.

This one is finally starting to take off in growth with my new placement so I've been hoping to see some color transition of some sort, but not much yet. The new growth almost looks light pink with yellow tips at times, but it may just be another shade of brown. :bigeyes:

This one is growing exceptionally well for me, but overall, especially from the side view, it's brown. I think it has much more potential, especially looking at the colony from BC.

This has been the most finicky acro in my tank, and of course it has. I swear this thing used to be similar to Adams Fairy Food.

My tank is still young if you only consider the time from when I got my new rock, which is fair. It very well may just be nutrient instability from a young tank, which is why I don't do anything.
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