No Tank :(


Premium Member
My tank sprung a leak and I had to dismantle and repair. Now I'm building it into the wall. So for awhile I have no tank to take pictures of...

But I still take pictures...





Taken with the Canon 30D.

Now back to working on the fish room.

Sorry to hear about your tank!

However, if you keep getting photos like these, I am going to start wishing you didn't have a tank :D
The look on her face was because her cub was on the other side of the car. No worries, we were protected, safe inside a Honda CRV. Known to bears as the tin can with the easy open lid.

I noticed from TV that the bears in Yosemite have no problems opening a car, right Doug?
lol - Actually, it's pretty rare to see a bear down in the valley. Most of them, that hang around, get tagged and shipped to the back country.

We did have a small black bear roaming around our hotel on my last trip.
