When i started with SPS I was paranoid about low po4 and no3. I fed 1/2 cube of frozen food per day. I did so because I wanted to be sure to keep those params low, because at the time, everyone said Zero Nitrate, Zero Po4 was the way to get amazing colors...I spend hundreds of $$ changing lights, using Zeovit, etc etc etc. Finally I just doubled/trippled the amount of food going into the tank, and almost instantly colors improved from a pastel/faded color to neons.....it was a night and day difference. The only significant difference was I could now measure some po4 and No3.
Ever since i started telling that story, (back in 2006) and was ridiculed for it!!!! I even suggested that adding some additinal nitrate was perhaps a wise move if you were measuring zero. Its so funny how things happen in this hobby, because now, you see this exact same thing happening. Even though I was fairly new reefer at the time, I knew that the Po4 and No3 was the reason...and yet noone believed me. Some even said I was being dangerous for suggesting raising No3.
Essentially my theory is that in the Ocean there are TONS of food, and very little no3/po4. But in an env stripped of all that available food, the no3 and po4 provide some artificial nutrition for the corals. Unless you have enough filtration to take in huge amounts of food added manually, and still are able to keep Po4/No3 low, then you are better off having measurable or even moderately higher levels of nitrate at the minimum. What amazed me was the number of SPS tanks I observed that had AMAZING colors, and even had No3 as high as 25-50ppm, but everyone still thought that would STN your corals, regardless of the fact that these tanks (mostly barebottom) were proving that theory entirely wrong.
Case in point, i had a buddy up the road from me who had a 4x110w VHO setup over his 90g. He had high nitrates at like 25-30, and obviously fairly low light overall. I had 6x54w, T5HO and near pristine water. I thought my tank should rock his... well guess what. He had a few sps up high in his tank that looked AMAZING. They all had great growth too...while my high light, low nutrient tank (staple of SPS tanks..) had #*@! colors and almost no growth. This went on for about a year before I figured it out....