Normal for all corals?


New member
I notice that corals often shrivel up at night. Im sure this is normal but is it usually like that? I turn the lights on in the morning and theyre all shrivelled up but it takes some time for them to open up again when the morning lights are on.
Yeah that's normal. They have day and night cycles. Some will open up at night and try to grab food.
That is typical. Most softies and LPS corals close up at night. Sometimes they might even close up during the day If anything bothers them like crab or shrimp.
Yup, normal. The first peak of light along the reefs is extremely blue, imo its why attinic lights are always recommended before daylight spectrum. Its like standing in the morning sun on a bitter cold morning camping...jus aint gonna do s### till your warmed up ('',)
I would read up on the daily cycle of corals, specifically the species you own. Many corals have a day/night cycle that includes retreating at night, and blossoming when exposed to light.