Norwegian Reef: Deltec Softline 360 gal


Not been on RC for a long while, and usually been a reader (not a poster), so I thought it's time to show you my tank. I have been a reefer for over 10 years, and had 1-7 reefs at the same time during this period.
The tank: 360 gal custom Deltec Softline Porsche Silver
Dimensions 200cm*80cm*85cm

Water movement:
4x Tunze 6100 and 8000 liter Red Dragon return pump.

6x AI Sol White
1x AI Sol Blue
Giezemann Razor 2x80W T5

Royal Exclusive Bubble King 250 De luxe (internal)
Brand new several years ago before i moved to my new home:
For those of you who knows this reef, but wondering where all the rare and beautiful fishes have gone, i have to disappoint you to say they all died almost a year ago (january) due to a start/stop sequence of a nitrate filter.
All the fishes died in about 10 minutes! Saved a few though.

So the whole collection is gone today: joculator pygmy angel, ventralis anthias, XL crosshatch trigger (male), queensland angelfish (pair), jordani wrasses (pair), rostratum tang, tinkeri butterfly,,, just to mention a few,,, but life goes on
Working on a list of corals. Think most are included:


Acropora caroliniana - Yellowish
Acropora echinata - Blue
Acropora efflorescens – Blue growth
Acropora elegantula - Yellow
Acropora formosa – Blue tip
Acropora humilis - Blue
Acropora hyacinthus - Burgundy
Acropora millepora - Blue
Acropora millepora - Pink
Acropora sp - Blueish
Acropora sp – Green/ yellowish
Acropora suharsonoi - Green
Acropora tortuosa - Blue
Acropora tumida «Enzmann» – Green
Acropora turaki - Cream
Acropora turaki – Turquiose
Acropora valida - Purple
Acropora yongei – Green w/ blue tips

Montipora australiensis "The Incredible Hulk" – Brown w/ green polyps
Montipora capricornis - Acidgreen
Montipora capricornis - Green
Montipora capricornis - Orange
Montipora capricornis - Purple
Montipora danae "Superman" – Blue w/ red polyps
Montipora danae «Sunset» - Orange w/ green polyps
Montipora digitata - Green
Montipora digitata - Orange
Montipora digitata - Orange w/ orange growth
Montipora digitata “German blue” – Blue polyps
Montipora hirsuta «Elkhorn» - Grey/green/white
Montipora mollis - Blue
Montipora setosa – Red
Montipora sp – Brown w/ white polyps
Montipora sp "Reverse sunset" – Green w/ white polyps

Other SPS
Pavona cactus - Green
Pocillopora damicornis – Green
Pocillopora damicornis – Greenturqouise w/ pink tips
Pocillopora damicornis - Red
Porites sp. – Blue polyps
Seriatopora caliendrum - Green
Seriatopora guttatus “Ora Green Bali Birdsnest” - Green
Seriatopora hystrix – Blue polyps
Seriatopora hystrix - Pink
Seriatopora hystrix – Yellow/greenish
Stylophora pistillata Green polyps

Acanthastrea lordhowensis – Red/blue/white
Acanthophyllia deshayesiana – Green/red/brown
Caulastrea curvata - Green
Euphyllia parancora – Green/purple
Favites sp - Green
Favia sp "Christmas " – Red/green
Favia sp "Christmas " #2 – Red/ green
Favia sp - Green
Goniopora sp - Red
Goniopora sp - Pink
Hydnophora exesa - Green
Lobophyllia sp – Green/ red
Micromussa sp – Red w/ white stripes
Turbinaria reniformis – Brown/ Yellow

Other Stuff
Actinodiscus mutabilis Lilla/Rød/gulgrønn
Actinodiscus sp “Superman” – Red w/ blue spots
Clavularia sp Brun
Discosoma sp Blå
Discosoma sp Stripet
Gorgonia sp - Brown
Palythoa sp - Green
Palythoa sp «X-men» - Red/ brown
Ricordea florida - Green/brown
Ricordea yuma - Orange
Sarcophyton ehrenbergii – Brown w/ white polyps
Sarcophyton elegans «Yellow Fiji» - Yellow
Tridacna crocea – Blue/purple/green
Xenia sp - White
Zoanthus sp – Blue/ purple
Zoanthus sp «Candy apple pinks» - Pink/brown/green
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