Not Enough to Go Around

El Jefe9830

Premium Member
Well, I went to Emperor's Ocean on Saturday to find out they are gone. I for one am very disappointed as that was the closest place to me, and Jason was always a huge help to me. In fact, most of the components I have for my 300 Gallon (Incl. the tank) came from him.

Then, I went to Clark's where I found out Nemo's Cove has already shut its doors. I swear that place wasn't around very long at all.

It is amazing that we don't have enough reefers here to keep these places open. I guess the profit margin in Salt Water fish stores just isn't there, and you have to have volume to survive. Granted Southwest Reef is still an amazing shop, and I am sure they do ok. But the key, I guess, is having what your consumer needs, when he/she needs it, which is why Southwest Reef does well. I partially blame the economy too, people just don't have much expendable cash for hobbies.

Anyways, there hadn't been a new post in days in our forum, and I thought I would go on a little Rant.

Good Luck Jason with your next quest in life. Was great having you up in the heights while it lasted, and I will miss having Emperor's Ocean to visit and buy stuff. Thanks for all your help.
Yeah, I was bummed too when I found out he was shutting down. He's going to focus on his auto-body business for now he said. Southwest is expanding though, which is great news.
I would blame it on the economy too. Plus summer is here and people are busy playing out side. I have been trying to sell my stuff at discount prices and it isn't going very fast. I will be closing my doors too around the first week in July.
Hi, I'm new to reek keeping, Just got my tank set up. I live in Santa Fe and have to drive over to ABQ. I got my live rock, sand and water from Nemos Cove before they went out of business. It helped me jump start my tank. Now Petes Pets over here in Santa Fe is going out of business after 27 years. I just got started and it looks like its Clarks and Southwest from now on. Petes has everything for 30% off right now. They have some 29 gallon Aquapods with the HQI lighting and skimmers that look cool. Moonpower I gotta call you before you leave.
All of the fish are gone and most of the corals at this point, but they have alot of supplies left. I think I'm gonna stock up of food.
OK cool. Yeah, I won't make it there till the weekend, probably most will be wiped out then. Oh well. Thanks for the info.
No way!! I was at Petes a few weeks back..I would not have guessed they were closing down..I better get out there to get some goodies..I guess He should have taken the insurance money a few years back instead of reopening...This economy is affecting everyone ..On a larger scale Aquariums for You (NJ) just closed their doors after 16 years just a few weeks back!!!
Jefe.. Petes never really had that much of a selection of sw fish they do have pretty good dry goods like those cool hagen led tank setups and led fixtures
Yeah, it will be depressing. I will say that it is good that Southwest Reef Co. appears to be doing well still, and will be here to stay. I would be really depressed if they disappeared. I think Rob does good with his repeat customers and LARGE selection. He was the only place that had bulkheads in stock when I needed them when setting up 300. (And ask Rob, I probably bought 10 from him, I kept breaking them).

Reign - Ok cool. I actually never even heard of it till now, so thanks for the info. I might try to make it up there this weekend, but we will see. I am going to call you this weekend for sure, though. Maybe later today.
OMG I just went in there the other day, hadn't been there in 8m years but I was aghast that they took that down. And yes, exactly my thoughts were the same, about it being a shame that there're not enough reef enthusiasts here.
Gosh I've known the owner of Clark's for years, my best friend worked there for him. How sad.
I will be moving to Las cruces. I have a 70 gal. I will need sand, live rock and live coraals. What is the best place to get these 3 things?