Not sure what is around coral


New member
It's hard to see in the photo it right center under the polyps, there is what looks like a white web. Just noticed it today and haven't seen it before. Any ideas? I know the photo isn't the greatest. Thanks


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It's hard to see in the photo it right center under the polyps, there is what looks like a white web. Just noticed it today and haven't seen it before. Any ideas? I know the photo isn't the greatest. Thanks

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Probably vermitid snails.
If so, they irritate the zoas. Get rid of 'em!! Search for picture and make sure.
Some sponges are also structured like webs. Some are ok, some other ones aren't. I remove any sponges from my zoas. Not worthy to have them struggling because of sponges. Use tweezers for that. Try search and compare to what you've got before any decision. Good luck!
