This am after partying at a friend's house for Thanksgiving, woke up to an "unusual" sounding aquarium. Different sounds in my tank always attract me, so I look over at it and it's managed to dump about 1/3 of its water capacity onto our wonderful mauve carpeting (not wonderful really, but man, does it hold the water to one area...the only thing I thank it for!). EGADS!!!!
The only thing I can narrow it down to is my skimmer which seemed to leak a little last week, so I pulled my power strip out from underneath it (where it shouldn't have been anyway!) and put a towel there. I proceeeded to check the towel on a daily basis to see if it was wet and it was not, so it seemed like an isolated incedent.
Then, there comes this am, the bottom of the skimmer was definitely wet and the leak was obviously originating from that side of the tank. I'm going to take the skimmer for someone to test out for me to see if it does the same thing again...although I don't know if I would fully trust it's a CPR Bakpak, by the way. It has run absolutely flawlessly for nearly 10 years. Anyway, this may just be the kick in the but I've needed to get the Eco System Pro 40 hang on refugium...some "Black Friday" shopping, maybe???!!!
Anyway, the reason for the title is that I have a 20g tank...I can't even imagine something like this happening in a 75, 90, or larger yet....I'll stick to being NanoKat and keep the risks to a miniumum, thank you. And thank goodness we don't have our new laminate flooring in yet...Randy would have freaked!
The only thing I can narrow it down to is my skimmer which seemed to leak a little last week, so I pulled my power strip out from underneath it (where it shouldn't have been anyway!) and put a towel there. I proceeeded to check the towel on a daily basis to see if it was wet and it was not, so it seemed like an isolated incedent.
Then, there comes this am, the bottom of the skimmer was definitely wet and the leak was obviously originating from that side of the tank. I'm going to take the skimmer for someone to test out for me to see if it does the same thing again...although I don't know if I would fully trust it's a CPR Bakpak, by the way. It has run absolutely flawlessly for nearly 10 years. Anyway, this may just be the kick in the but I've needed to get the Eco System Pro 40 hang on refugium...some "Black Friday" shopping, maybe???!!!
Anyway, the reason for the title is that I have a 20g tank...I can't even imagine something like this happening in a 75, 90, or larger yet....I'll stick to being NanoKat and keep the risks to a miniumum, thank you. And thank goodness we don't have our new laminate flooring in yet...Randy would have freaked!