Nudi eggs?


New member
Noticed a Nudi in the store I bought some zoas from. They did a fresh water dip for me their, but said it wouldn't get rid of any eggs.

So my question is what do the eggs look like? And how do I get rid of them if there are any? These are blue zoos and I realy want these babies to live. So any advice would be appreciated.

Wow!! Thanks for the quick reply.

I realy enjoy this forum for its information and the great pics of everyones zoos.

I didn't care much about zoos at first but now I must say I'm addicted.

Thanks again for your help.
thanks for posting that pic of nudi eggs
id read a dozen descriptions but a picture really is worth a thousand words
Ya I agree. If it was not for that picture I would not have known that I do in fact have some eggs.

So, for my next question. Is it as simple as scraping them off or is there a certain way to rid them?

Sorry to be a pest.

Thanks again!!!!
bobafett said:
Not tring to be rude but why would you buy a colony that had visible signs of nudi infestation?

Some times 'pretty' beats 'smarts.' Seriously. I know I've taken risks before on a piece that was in trouble simply because the chance of saving something really eye-catching would be worth the risk.

Besides, at least this won't be a surprise. He knows they are there and can react accordingy; instead of unwittingly introducing something and then wondering months later what happened. ;)
Well Two words for ya........ BLUE ZOOS.............. and the price was right.

No...... actually what happened was I knew about the nudis just never seen their eggs before. So this post was about "what do nudi eggs look like"? Just in case.
Hence the lovely pic we all have now to I.D. the little buggers. (by the way thanks for the pic )

The zoos went into QT after being dipped then re- dipped.

Man these things are addicting!!!!!!

When will it ever stop ??????????

To all who helped ........thank you!!!!!
fwe won't work for nudis. fw i found is the best.
actually zoas are very good with fw dips. its the sps that can't handle them.
also remember that nudi eggs can be CLEAR, at least that was the case with me. i am guessing this depends on the development stages of the larvae.
There is new luck on the acro board with prazi pro and nudis. Go check for details. I guess borneman and others are trying to tweak the dosage.
I have used a old tooth brush to scrape the eggs off. Then just rinse in the dip water. Tweezers never worked for me.
BTW, I sucked out a nudi from the mantle ridge of a maxima clam I have. I noticed eggs as well. I had never seen nudis or eggs laid any where else before ...