My experience very much agrees with what weatherman's saying.
[just in the reef tank, not outside
I've got Euphyllia/frogspawn, Acanastrea, Caulastrea, Platygyra/maze brain, and a Bubble coral in my BB low nutrient tank. Flow is tricky, I fragged my bubble as it was way too large and some heads weren't happy stuck out in the flow. The others took a bit of aquascape + flow tweaking to find low-water movement nooks + crannies they could grow to fill.
Not easy, but possible, IME.
Provided excellent export running smoothly, I'll often feed fairly well [daily, sometimes multiple times, smaller portions but well for my moderate fish load].
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6522842#post6522842 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Don Berry
My Acan Lord does well, but needs to be spot feed.
Mine too.
I'll spot feed the Acan's once or twice a week [when feeding fish, starfish], the maze brain and caulastrea once a week ... given they seem to munch it right down + the skimmer can handle the excess [or the fish, etc] ... I prefer it this way. It's fun to feed - and provided excellent export, low nutrient doesn't mean starved IMO.
In fact, regular smaller feedings might be important to a low-nutrient tank, or so my experience with my tank and my corals seems to lead me to think.
Yours? Worth an experiment, IMO.