o2manyfish - FREE CORALS - Nothing Exciting, But Free (Encino)


Hey Everyone,

I have some stuff growing in the outside frag tanks that is overpopulating and I need to clear out some space.

Giveways are nice sized, not mounted, and some even include Bubble Algae for FREE.

Corals I have For Free:

1) Metallic Red Monti (Maybe Setosa) - It's a Red Monti, big deal, but its a metallic red, it shimmers. It's is super delicate, any tang that swims by breaks a piece off. But it is super hardy and every lil piece that breaks off grows into a colony. Grows into a round colony, not like digitata branches. Interesting side note, the original frag for all these frags/colonies came from Barbara Streisands tank. The coral has a lineage story going back 20+ years that has something to do with some big named people in the industry and Europe.

2) Bubble Gum Digitata & Forrest Fire Digitata - There is an entire frag rack packed with these two corals. Hit and miss which one is which.

3) ORA Jedi Mind Trick - I have two slabs of this that came from Joe Kelley's collection when we broke down his tank after his passing. If anyone has a coral saw and want's to drag it over to help cut these slabs (15"x18"x4") so they can be given away and grown to keep giving away. Please offer to come help. You know everything at my house get's given away, and I could use some community help with these two chunks.

4) Green Anacrapora - BooBoo Kitty (Arthur) dropped off 3 giant colonies this past week to share with locals. I have 3 Honey Dew sized colonies and maybe 200 frags.

I'd like to give away a bunch of this today (Saturday Oct 5th). I'd like to give it away during the Baseball game tonight. My wife will have the Game on so you can keep track of the score or watch for a bit while getting Free Corals.

Please Text Me, PM, or Post on this thread before 4pm if you are interested. At 4pm I will contact everyone interested and give out the address if you need it. If you have my address, please post that you are coming just so I know how many to expect. If you want some of the bigger colonies bring containers they will fit in, I don't have any cups that hold bigger than a small orange.

You can take as many pieces as you want.... But this is a Pay It Forward Situation - Take for yourself, or your friends - But don't take and then try to sell it immediately.

Look Forward to seeing some of you this afternoon.

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