Ocean Direct Live Sand in established tank question

Rodrigo Plei

New member
Hello reefers,

I ordered three 5 lb bags to replace completely the old substrate of my 4 years-old 13 gal nano reef.

Since I am going to add it into a established tank, I would like to known if I should rinse or not the product.

If I need to, should I rinse with saltwater or R.O. water?

I read several threads on internet forums and I got confusing information:

Some people say that this sand must be used in new tanks only.

Others say that you can use it in a established tank as long as you rinse it with R.O. water.

There are even people recommending against the use of this sand in established tanks. They claim that the beneficial bacteria supposedly contained in it will start cycling the tank again, with peaks of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, which certainly will be not good to my corals, fish and a Tridacna crocea clam.

Any input on this question will be greatly appreciated.

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It WILL start a cycle again.. There is so much dead material in there..
I'd add it to a bucket with saltwater and a powerhead and cycle that.. After its cycled then you can add it to your tank..
Not surprised you got conflicting answers. Definitely do not rinse it in RO, you will kill most of the microbes and stuff. As for causing ammonia spikes that depends on how much dead organic matter there is. To check it but it in a bucket like McGyver described and just test for ammonia daily. If it's going to cycle you should see a spike in just a day or two. If there's no ammonia after a couple days or once the ammonia disappears I would use it.